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Everything posted by lickmyorbs

  1. just gunna say admins dont fix bugs devs do but w/e
  2. Only real way to catch wintraders to record it or ss them saying something like "let me win next time" :/ also like people above said incorrect format, this will get closed regardless
  3. Raids reset weekly mate
  4. assuming an npc selling outdated gear is high priority...
  5. for shitz and gigz [ATTACH=CONFIG]98913[/ATTACH]
  6. is writing in bold cool now?
  7. names: hanjasolo chimchi bersuit buikaa heisenbirgo Realm: x100 Reason for report: wintrading, they just stand there letting an ilvl 2 or smthn warrior hit them. Evidence: [ATTACH=CONFIG]98864[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]98865[/ATTACH]
  8. I'd love to see where in the rules it says you arent allowed to humiliate people, fairly certain it says noob is not an insult so, all of this is invalid.
  9. lickmyorbs


  10. item: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=40110/haunted-memento : Haunted Memento Whats wrong: It should give a haunted buff on the character and a faint ghost should follow you around, doesnt do either of those things. Price: 50 Account name: mistyy Not really gunna post any details on the forum cos i'm not stupid, I'll happily pm them to a staff member
  11. Like a wintrader last season
  12. dragon roar ignores armor and it will always crit, so in reality its hitting 70k, and will all cooldowns even for a low gear person thats not abnormal
  13. why the hell would I have to do that, so stupid lol well w/e then x,D
  14. name Баллистик realm (non displayed must be from wowcircle) evidence https://gyazo.com/935a19e6c13e52ce5ab79aadde97e8f7 offence Insult
  15. https://gyazo.com/f2af5e8d401331aa9643ccb16cc3e833 character has over 7 days played, is like item lvl 549 and I was trying to sell it for 700 and this message shows up >_>
  16. how did you determine this? Priority - 6.3/10
  17. https://gyazo.com/5e0a05602c39f66c019f8078e46a2b15 always on forums?o.o one requirement is to not be new on the forum iirc
  18. So I dunno if this is because I was on my shaman but /tar spirit link totem etc. actually let me target the totem (this was removed from the game a while ago) quite a helpful tip I guess to just macro it into an ability i.e. #showtooltip /tar spirit link totem /tar healing stream totem /tar healing tide totem /tar grounding totem /tar tremor totem (etc. etc.) /cast crusader strike someone is going to have to test this in a duel or something but I was able to use this to target my own totems. nvm :C was only able to target my own totems ;~;
  19. l2read. p.s. Where is** proof here** (cant even translate "deface ant")
  20. they removed it a long time ago to stop swifty wannabes... seriously though, last I remember they removed it because it was on the vote shop. p.s. this is the incorrect format for a bug report / suggestion =P
  21. https://gyazo.com/b7227bc5b7a1f4ce202917ed5f7d3aa4 hehehe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ seriously though, https://gyazo.com/1e21a9eb3aa987be2877b7c5025d3b24 https://gyazo.com/1cf59f6f7c0e3409755339062b94748d one of those is from an icy veins guide, can't really see those guys being wrong tbh.
  22. +1 jonte, they need to remove obscene speech as a rule, there is clearly an ingame function if you dont want to read that kind of speech.
  23. l0l this is actually stupid why is no member of staff able to solve this problem acknowledging this guy
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