Nicknames of your characters: Honneybee, x100 Alliance side
Information about your Game Client: Your page
Describe your problem: Today I got learned Sky Golem, Mekgineer's chopper and Vial of Sands and after logout i lost those mounts. I tried to clear my cache, re-log several times, fix my character but after all I got only achievements but not the mounts.
How you tried to solve the problem: Cache, character fix, re-log, open in game ticket.
Screenshots with problem:
First I got Sky Golem and I got 25 mounts achievement and after that I learned Mekgineer's chopper and Vial of Sands = that is 27 mounts, but I got only 24 without Sky Golem, Mekgineer's chopper and Vial of Sands
Hope someone could help me, because it is very big lost of money and time to spend to obtain them