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Everything posted by ushka

  1. Is there anyone who can meet me ingame and help me solve these shenanigans?
  2. Thanks for all the replies, really appreciated! Wel with the invocation talent used and bomb on i still do around 60-70k pyroblast crits and when I use altered time with a double hot streak proc it's only one 15-35k pyroblast (critical) of course this isn't on a frozen target anymore but still... I think this is very low when I compare to other fire mages in Arena and BG. I'm no pro mage but to do some research I made a new undead char with tyrannical gear (ungemmed, unforged, unenchanted) and the crits were 30% higher than when I critted with my goblin and I made a tyrannical outfit (gemmed, unforged, unenchanted). Since it was gemmed it should have done more dmg imo. I really believe my char is bugged. I would like want to solve this cuz it took me long time to get her full pridefull and now I'm really disappointed, how would you be?
  3. Ty for reply but i dont understad how my pyro's do only like +-50K... tried many things relog, change offspec back to mainspec, repair char tool on website and so on
  4. [ATTACH=CONFIG]71785[/ATTACH] Full pridefull and this is maximum crit instant pyro does on frozen targets (trinket proced) I got critted by fire mage 97K he had 3-4 piece PVE though But i dont think 3-4 piece will make almost double damage Anyone see what problem is?? Halp plz :confused: PS Dont mind interface ^^
  5. Greetings, Sorry for posting here not sure were to ask, but friend of me playing feral but hes damage seems way to low or am i imagening things? Dont see nothing about it at bugtracker, but 20k-30k crits with ferocious bite/ravage/shred seems low (starters gear) Might be legit idk that why im asking..
  6. Pff tried so mny things cant get it fixed, so downloaded full client again, changed new config file with locale you need: English, and replace previous dowloaded WTF/config.wtf file.. Then started game with pandawow-64 to get enUS files then copy pasted the pandawwow-32/64 in main map, changed names to "wow-update-enUS-17327" on those mpq files, and pasted those files in /Data/enUS folder.. Still get the stream error :s Plx halp
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