Thanks for all the replies, really appreciated! Wel with the invocation talent used and bomb on i still do around 60-70k pyroblast crits and when I use altered time with a double hot streak proc it's only one 15-35k pyroblast (critical) of course this isn't on a frozen target anymore but still... I think this is very low when I compare to other fire mages in Arena and BG. I'm no pro mage but to do some research I made a new undead char with tyrannical gear (ungemmed, unforged, unenchanted) and the crits were 30% higher than when I critted with my goblin and I made a tyrannical outfit (gemmed, unforged, unenchanted). Since it was gemmed it should have done more dmg imo. I really believe my char is bugged. I would like want to solve this cuz it took me long time to get her full pridefull and now I'm really disappointed, how would you be?