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  1. well i guess next time i'll take a picture of their conversation, it isn't the first time i see them doing that >.
  2. Names: Aaki, Ayakos, Shadowpaw, Koasuth, Midfrick and Codemoney (all from "Uldaman" guild) Realm: x100 Description: They are doing Fixed Arenas to farm Conquest points. How do i know? they where typing in "/s" to wich arena they should enter wich one not. [ATTACH=CONFIG]99295[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]99296[/ATTACH] Look at this picture, i've logged in again [ATTACH=CONFIG]99297[/ATTACH] With just this little word "smile" they started to run away from the place like nothing happened [ATTACH=CONFIG]99298[/ATTACH] (Posted at 8:20 A.M Realm Time)
  3. I'm not going to donate for a mount that is supposed to be a Prize.
  4. Hello everyone, recently i've reached 153 mounts on both factions, to recieve the Jade Pandaren Kite along with the Achievement "We're Going to Need More Saddles". That achievement seems to be bugged, so... all my efforts for that mount is in vane, is there a way that i can recieve the mount? or not? [ATTACH=CONFIG]79273[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]79274[/ATTACH]
  5. Nice guide but i still can't see my feet, i think that i'm the only one with this issue it must be my pc or something.
  6. Even with the New V3 Update of the models keeps happening, there must be a broken file in my directory. I've tried downloading the game multiple times even from different torrents and keeps happening! Please if somebody has a solution let me know :)
  7. I've tried downloading the game AGAIN and keeps happening nothing works for those feet haha I don't know what else to do
  8. I've already Downloaded the game twice but this keeps happening, i don't know what's wrong with those feet haha This happens with Night Elves, Orcs, Gnomes, Dwarves and Humans.
  9. Hello people, this is the first time that i open a Post. I searched everywhere but i didn't find a answer to my doubt... I've applied the WoD Models without a problem thanks to a post in here but, i just want to know if I am the only one that Can't see his feet in his character (Like the Screenshot) and other NPCs. Well, that's all... that's all i wanted to know and if there is a fix for those feet, even better. Thanks to all for this wonderful Server, Cheers. [ATTACH=CONFIG]74585[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]74586[/ATTACH]
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