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Everything posted by adblocker33

  1. I tried it, since both my warr and shaman have engi/tailoring. You can stack the embroidery with a normal enchant, or the glider with that enchant. But you cant stack the glider and the embroidery. Besides the glider is still bugged last time i checked. No fall damage but normal falling speed and you can't manoeuver your fall. So just stick to the embroidery and a regular enchant.
  2. adblocker33

    Hex bug

    It's even worse when you're enhancement. If you have 3-4 stacks of maelstrom and you cast ns hex the stacks are lost. I even once cast ns hex and i reached 5 stacks due to a melee swing between the ns and the hex... lost my 5 stacks and the ns. This is pretty huge as it reduces our damage considerably (losing a 40k lightning bolt or an instant ele blast 2 after starting cc is kinda huge, since you have to stack your 5 maelstrom procs again or hardcast your spells and lose melee dps in the process) so yeah, bump. I'll make a report about this topic as well in the weekend.
  3. So recently I heard about the wod server developpement, and i started having doubts about the state of the mop realms. And I was wondering wether they'll still implement cross realm arenas, and if they do will they make it possible to queue with people from other realms in your team ? If not will you guys let us transfer our characters from x10 to x100 atleast ? PVP is so dead in x10's upper brackets that the average waiting time is around 5 mins and you end up queuing vs 1500 rated comps (I'm talking 2's, 3's don't even exist). Still tho why do they have realm transfer disabled ? Are they worried x10 will lose it's population ? In that case why don't you just merge the realms and use the infrastructure to increase the common capacity ? I'd love to hear answers, for once. Thanks
  4. nope, still not fixed, 116k haunts without the shammy spell power and mastery buffs (creds to nemi for the testing) http://i.imgur.com/ThcAXVN.jpg
  5. tbh i havent seen any changes so far, so you might aswell test it.
  6. it's because the team you're facing has a much lower rating, the rating you gain when beating a team is based on that team's rating. So if they're low rated you don't get much out of them, but if you lose to them you give them alot of rating and you lose that same amount you gave them
  7. As a reply to your answer in the last thread, it's not okay, instead of your incapable devs trying to make Warlords work, you should first try and fix the bugs in mop, and launch the siege of orgrimmar that's already fully scripted ? Instead you fix "icc buffs for worgen and goblins". Because running icecrown citadel is why we are playing on a 5.4.8 server right ? The buff stacking is a major issue, as well as the major pvp bugs around, especially with warlocks. when a lock can throw out 160k haunts or 120 in this case http://i.imgur.com/Evo5TgT.jpg don't you tell me it's okay. An if that was trolling mate then you're really bad at it. Try harder next time, but first of all get those bugs fixed, ty. - - - Updated - - - And don't you throw me one of those read the rules of reporting, i'm not a mongo im adressing you personally, or is it that you simply throw that excuse cause your english skill is so low you can't formulate a proper answer, or maybe because one of the devs plays a lock and enjoys facerolling. Either way, do something about it instead of randomly closing threads with pointless 12y/o replies
  8. Dude don't get me wrong i'm not trying to bash your post i'm just saying that there are more important things to fix first with locks. The picture was 2 days ago and the extra 7% pvp power is no excuse for such bs damage. Anyways good luck with the bug fix.
  9. [ATTACH=CONFIG]79245[/ATTACH] check this out, im the enhance shaman, i was dispelling agony and curse on cd, that lock hit my pala for 120k + repeatedly - - - Updated - - - And you're wrong, all the high rated locks i face use observer+soul link and thats a major issue especially since you can double cs
  10. To be honest, fixing lock's broken damage multipliers and massive bugs such as gating while cc'ed and cs'ing through walls is much more important than this soul swap issue. I mean who needs a working soul swap when haunts hit for 140k because of buff stacking. Im just saying, you have the right to report that issue but there are more important issues pressing at this time
  11. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=131173&p=852147#post852147 expertise works.
  12. So I play an enhancement shaman on x10 (2.4k rating atm) and I was having trouble with the massive amount of unholy dk's populating the higher brackets since I couldn't put up any kind of pressure due to their insane parry chance. I thought about it and I chose to buy an alternate set in which I'd stack expertise to try and counter that issue. However I heard that expertise was still bugged, even though the devs said they fixed it in a recent changelog. Either way I decided to do some testing, So i toggled my recount addon and I dueled a friend of mine who has a dk. I counted 205 melee hits, and unbuffed, the dk was parrying 24.9% of the hits (i have 6.09% expertise) http://i.imgur.com/dOOlnJm.jpg . I then drank the elixir of weaponry (+750 expertise) and ate a red bean bun (+200 expertise), hence my expertise went up to 8.89%. I tested again and counted 205 melee hits, his parry chance went down to 22% : 24.9-22=2.9 and 8.89-6.09=2.8 which is almost the same but we can neglect the difference since we only took 205 melee swings into consideration http://i.imgur.com/c6C1sFP.jpg . Anyways, the point of this thread is to confirm that for once the devs did their job and that expertise does work. So people who aren't reforging into expertise, you better start doing so, and I'm definitely buying that alternate set. Cheers, Stormstrikes
  13. Well wth, i play enhancement shaman... how am i supposed to get past facerolling unholy dks !? Yet another gamebreaking bug ! but i saw that they fixed expertise in a recent changelog http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=102900 or they're just saying they did and it wasnt fixed ? any clue ?
  14. heh, try harder mate
  15. Greetings lazy devs, Since you're so busy fixing icc buffs for worgens and goblins instead of major pvp issues like cc through the wall and other retarded bugs (AFFLICITION LOCKS), might aswell try and fix http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=38578/the-flag-of-ownership ? i guess that would be something of a consolation for getting owned by people letting their kids play and affli lock resto sham comp. Ty - - - Updated - - - oh and don't tell me to read the rules of writing a bug report, you don't need to format to figure out that this thing isn't working, you removed it from the shop because it wasn't working.
  16. imo the best comps in 2's rn are affli resto sham (mostly because of the massive bugs of the lock) and uhdk resto dudu (50% cast time increase of the necro strike gg). I mean the uh dk is understandable, even without the bug on necrotic strike they're pretty tough opponents, but the lock resto sham is just retarded, you can win your way to 2.2k with one hand on the keyboard and the other masturbating. Cs through walls, insane/retarded damage multipliers for some abilities due to stat stacking (140k haunts gg) no icd for fears. I mean seriously it's almost hopeless when you face them, unless the player is really retarded. - - - Updated - - - off topic question, is expertize still bugged ?
  17. It's funny none of the mods have answered yet, and you're completely right, i mean lsd and godcomp dominated retail mop. Understandable, but this doesnt mean that devs should keep those classes bugged (for the better) and hope that no one notices. This is pretty frustrating. I hope changes will be implemented before the next season cause this has already been going on for too long
  18. Well first of all this guy isn't his mage, second of all im gonna assume this is before the pve scaling, unless it's wpe abuse. No mage can pull this off, even with full procs, especially since pyro procs weren't increasing pyroblast damage until lately. So check your facts before posting random pictures.
  19. [ATTACH=CONFIG]79008[/ATTACH] aint that nice, 145k haunts, i supposed that's normal right ? that's as broken as you get
  20. Well dont expect much all theyre gonna do is ask for a bug report, this issue has been going on with affli locks since forever... i guess we know why the lock resto sham hs been dominating high brackets considering its a very noob friendly comp. Saw your games vs them, you outplayed them in every possible way. But i guess the devs consider fixing icc damage buff to goblins and worgen more important than this. good luck tho (the enhance shaman you keep owning in 2s)
  21. Can we fix this already ? I mean seriously devs are working on random minor damage calculation for some useless abilities while this has been bugged since forever... I mean seriously fixing damage buffs for worgen and goblins in icc, cause that's more important. Hew em i sapposed te ferm mey mog frum icc without det buff amg gm fex.
  22. http://db.pandawow.me?item=38578 - http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=38578/the-flag-of-ownership The flag of ownership can we please add this item too ?!
  23. Hahahahahaahahahahaha, are you kidding me ? this is the glyph of totemic encirclement that makes you drop 4 totems at the same time, 3 of which are USELESS. And he's combining that with the talents that makes it possible for totems of the same scholl to stack except for fire ones. So basically all of these totems are useless and you're just bad. "L2p bruh"
  24. bump this, thats a huge dps loss to us
  25. where are the moderators ? is this a joke to you guys ? Come on it's been 2 days
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