1. Name of the violator : Myself, Estezkon
2. Realm : pandawow x10
3. Reason for ban/mute : obscene language
4. Date and time of ban mute : 12/17/2014 around 11PM, duration 120 minutes.
6. The incident went the following way. I was dueling a warrior by the name of Cain that i regularly duel, the duel ended and he won because he bursted when i didn't because i simply don't like to burst in a duel since it reflects no skill whatsoever ( I am not here trying to explain why i lost or to argue about dueling ethics, i'm just stating what happened ). So i simply said " pff, you always win by bursting. It's "fucking" lame" By chance some moderator by the name of zicc happened to be there. And i got muted for "obscene language".
First of all, I wasn't even insulting the player, i was insulting the way things happened. Second of all, i think we are all grown up kids around here and hearing the word "fucking" that's not even being addressed to anyone in the middle of durotar isn't gonna traumatize the children playing the game, putting aside the fact that most of them have heard, or use worse words, AND the fact that most of the server is Russian so probably no one but the moderator even understood what i said. Third of all, obscene language would cause me a mute if i was insulting someone badly or intentionally trying to cause him some verbal harm. In my case, i turned around and walked away after what i said, which clearly reflects that i was just making a statement and moving on.
And last but not least, Zicc's behavior was unprofessional to the limit. And this is mainly why i'm here. After getting muted i logged on an alternate account to talk to him and understand the reason of my ban. i went to him, told him who i am and asked why he did what he did. He didn't even look at me, and keep going with his conversation with some random person.
Being a moderator, and being given the responsibilities of keeping general chat under control by the game masters, and being "the face" of the server in-game. The least you could do is answer a player when he asks about the reasons behind his mute, or give him a chance to explain himself. None of that happened, maybe it's because he thinks that getting a moderator status provides him with superiority over other players -in which case he's wrong since it's completely the opposite- or maybe it's because he just doesn't speak English ( but simply understands the word "fucking" ?!) in which case you should really check who you put as moderators.
The mute appeal isn't the reason I am here, the reason I am here is the unprofessional, and unfriendly behavior of your moderator. And i really think you should do something about this because it's clearly unacceptable. No mod should think of himself as "too good to reply".
Thank you, i'm awaiting a reply.