I would just like to point out that this new system isn't working properly as several people have been banned by information this system received incorrectly. I urge the administrators to look into this new method of banning people as some players are being punished for nothing. While preventing the use of third-party software and people who use these to make the game unfair is an extremely important concern, I fear that this new method may have some issues with the information the administrators are receiving. I am in no way insulting the staff of PandaWoW because so far you've done an incredible job with the server. However, I am remarking on the fact that banning players for 30 days when said player has not broken any rules, In-game or on the forums; on top of having insufficient evidence, is completely unprofessional and extremely disappointing. I hope in the future that a bit more background checking will go into the punishment process before people are punished.