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  1. Since the first time you mentioned this because of my font everytime I write something I imagine a whiny voice and I actually laugh. Really. http://i.imgur.com/tZXpZ8j.jpg Just leaving this here because I'm a
  2. Why a feral? Why a cat form? /cries in gibberish Make a monk if you gonna hack, they alredy got bad reputation on Mists of Pandaria ._. *Note - I'M NOT SAYING THAT YOU MUST HACK LOL, you shouldn't even be thinking of it. Ignore my post, I messed up.
  3. That's what he's doubting, he's contesting the automatic assumption that the screenshot is indeed valid. Anyway, how long is this mute? Wouldn't it be done alredy?
  4. Chiv and his 11 players online(some of which are GMs) server strikes again! Nick: Joinusx - Fun realm http://i.imgur.com/rrLLoP0.jpg
  5. Nyah


    There is a speed cap(obviously, durr), and an even more fair suggestion without the download of an additional file that would probably be recognized as a virus is to do the following: .mod speed(console command for alterating speed of a player or of the GM itself) or using a third party program for hacking use the same rule - They set the speed, but if the speed changes, then the data is sent to the server which then changes the speed to the correct value. My idea is that they add an aura active on BGs and arenas that applies the knockback effect but it doesnt move the player(enough only for the server to detect, must be totally unoticeable by the player), and it also slows/accelerates his speed by a really small amount for a small period of time(1 sec?) and then restores its previous speed, thus if you're hacking with speed/fly you'll have your speed restored to the normal and the knockback will disable your fly. To prevent that people on mounts get this knockback, fall and die, then just make it possible on BGs and arenas, places where you can't fly. A good aura for this would be the old typhoon spell's effect. Or we could just have an anti-hack or at least block this one *popular* hacking program that you can find in one google search.
  6. Totally off-topic, yet related to the thread: A dude wisped me and he wanted to me to queue BGs with him, he had 147k and he said that he knew who I was through the forums. He explicitly said that he wanted to hack. Dude. ._.
  7. [quote=Stayfjurt;932513 Third : Why whole acc muted ? other chars have english nicknames.. On the trinity core compilation I had on my 3.3.5. there was this one command that instead of muting the entire account it instead muted a specific character. I doubt they have this one here.
  8. Sorry for my peasantness but why is it Vengeful? Why Vengeful Gladiator? Can you choose it?
  9. Like that one you're advertising that has an average of 8 players online? lol.
  10. ~~Maybe~~ challenger from 3s(the 35% of the class). The new owner will be happy, even though he isn't as active as he were before or as I am, but I do am satisfied knowing that someone is having fun with it.
  11. I frequent some forums that talk about some polemic stuff. This thread is far better than any of those and this is a mere player report, lol. I was taught to just live with diferences, except if they harm me or a group of people related to me. Muslims in no way harm anything in my country, nor have a major influence. To be honest, I'm pleased with the discussion specially between absolutezero and Dionysus, but I think that this could be a bit more healthier, I mean, without so many indirect insults and/or offenses.
  12. This became some serious shit, lol. Gif totally non related to the post
  13. Yeah...yeah..."can't..."
  14. Nyah


    Is client-side hacking allowed here?
  15. I have nothing to say yet I want to see the answer(Nyah, my old druid, is going to get duelist/challenger since it was among the 35% on 5s, and I think that it was on 2s too, was #17 on 5s). Your avatar made me laugh like the retard I am.
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