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About jordan83221

  • Birthday 03/24/1998

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  1. Still waiting for an update on Multiboxing @Pandawow - Bump
  2. Hey, we already said to ban multiboxing in gurubashi. Read the other threads before you comment here, please.
  3. Am I allowed to login to my 17 chars all at once and send gold away or am I gonna get banned for that as well @PandaWoW-Staff?
  4. 1. You don't even know me. 2. Java is for the casual lawnmower of the programming world. And did you really just say it's the most powerful programming language? You must be on crack. It's one of the most POPULAR programming languages because of how easy and boring it is, sure.
  5. C is borderline useless and Java is for people who want to do what C++ does but are too lazy to learn C++
  6. LOL Python, get outta here.
  7. Reports a guy for trying to earn back the money he was robbed of, OMEGALUL
  8. Actually if I ever attacked anybody in Gurubashi, Shane and Rekick would just gang up on me for no reason. So I rarely ever killed anybody. I can't speak for other multiboxers. Only people I ever kill are the idiots who are trying to kill me. As far as Stormwind goes, of course I'm going to kill everyone there because that's just how world pvp works. If you don't want to die, don't enable PvP... simple as that. And like I said, we were never in the ring, only person in the ring was Blackskill who doesn't kill anybody unless they attack him.
  9. Funny because I recall slightly that on Sunday, all me/rekick/shane/mave/pain/nelf/don did in Gurubashi was sit at the entrance and fight eachother. Wondering exactly what we were doing that was so disastrous to the Gurubashi heroes. It's not our fault if your PC lags, get a new one like Pain said. It's not our fault if the server lags, PreparedWoW and Malseph crashed the server almost every day and retail gave no f*cks. I couldn't care less if they only ban multiboxing in gurubashi, fine with me... But banning the entire thing due to some kids who got murdered in half a second isn't fair to those who spent a lot of time and money on this game.
  10. Highly agree to this. Sure, there's more multiboxers now, but I used to do 15 accounts, along with Meyatrex on his 15, and then another guy named Skow doing 20. We raided stormwind every other day and nobody cared, PandaWoW didn't even mention it. Why the sudden issue with it?
  11. Yes, world PvP is dying, which is why multiboxers exist to revive it. There were like 15 alliance in Stormwind defending it after I started taking it over. This is a PvP server and a Blizzlike i90 server, which means on retail, multiboxing was allowed... Therefore it should not be blocked here. Personally, I don't enjoy just playing one char anymore, and I never got into the whole "gurubashi" thing. I used to queue arenas but I'm not good enough at them for it to be enjoyable. We're all saying to just ban it in Gurubashi which is 100% fine by me, no problems there. All that exists there is .wargamers and Flyhackers that grip me under the map. Anywhere I can go where that doesn't happen is fine by me. I enjoy playing this server for the specific reason as it has more FREEDOM than the majority of other servers. Hence the reason I invested money into it, but to see all of that die only because some people get angry at our hobby isn't fair to us and isn't fair to PandaWoW to lose the free income. Nuff said.
  12. My dks are full strength but k, there was one dude Mave with full stam gems and blood and he had one burst that wipes an entire raid and then he can't do anything until it's up again lol.
  13. Well, for one, it doesn't help that Decoy and Zod are 4/4 on every character and are basically unkillable together. Obviously it would take a HUGE group of players to wipe them as they're playing literally the most OP classes to multibox. Two, so we're being punished for being more successful than the kids that play here? And having a hobby? How is that fair to us? Should we ban rogues because they're broken in Gurubashi? Obviously not as they're a part of the game. Banning rogues isn't Blizzlike and neither is banning Multiboxers. I've yet to hear of a report where someone quit due to us multiboxing. You know who quit due to something else? YOU. Tell them to worry about fixing bugs and .wargame rather than worrying about a bunch of 12 year olds getting angry cause they died to a raid.
  14. Who even are you? This is a real discussion, go away.
  15. Terrible idea. World is where it shouldn't matter. BGs are actual important pvp and are required for gearing up on this server.
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