Yes, world PvP is dying, which is why multiboxers exist to revive it. There were like 15 alliance in Stormwind defending it after I started taking it over. This is a PvP server and a Blizzlike i90 server, which means on retail, multiboxing was allowed... Therefore it should not be blocked here.
Personally, I don't enjoy just playing one char anymore, and I never got into the whole "gurubashi" thing. I used to queue arenas but I'm not good enough at them for it to be enjoyable. We're all saying to just ban it in Gurubashi which is 100% fine by me, no problems there. All that exists there is .wargamers and Flyhackers that grip me under the map. Anywhere I can go where that doesn't happen is fine by me. I enjoy playing this server for the specific reason as it has more FREEDOM than the majority of other servers. Hence the reason I invested money into it, but to see all of that die only because some people get angry at our hobby isn't fair to us and isn't fair to PandaWoW to lose the free income. Nuff said.