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puffyhd last won the day on February 13 2020

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  1. Hello, since ppl r getting bored of the enchants in 2v2, i think u should maybe add some new ones. Since they are all shit. And let's be honest most ppl que 2v2, it's obvious why the "cool" enchants are for 3v3, and i like it that way. But the 2v2 enchants r just wack. Example 1. Mighty Agility. Really cool enchant. Add it for 2v2 or 3v3 solo q bbc. https://gyazo.com/0314ed3f867d5c691c43ad03808bd81e Example 2. Rune of Razorice. Actually really cool aswell. https://gyazo.com/76a0287699113077be95d983a49e2648
  2. This is very true. most of the top 10 are wintraders, I have several screenshots of people admitting to wintrading. You need to fix this. And layya, even tho you made a deal to make the duel fun, its still a setup duel. And its a wintrade. So stop lying. U all admitted it to me in whispers. and said u didnt care and would just buy unban. Lying about it just makes it worse.
  3. Realm : Fun Nickname of the violator: Ostos / threekoneenh : Link to Armory : https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-5268056.html + The guy he's trying to sell for Bananasplit / Darkness : https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-6205341.html Description of the violation: 2.7. It is not allowed to sell, trade accounts, items or any Pandawow services to a third party person for real money. 1.11 Any commercial activity: selling or trading any goods for real money including goods that are not related to the PandaWoW. 1.12 Selling accounts or trading any characters/accounts (or attempt) for any goods, items or currencies also not related to the PandaWoW. Be given a temporary (from 30 days) or permanent ban from the game, depending on severity and frequency: Proofs: screenshots or video (depending on violation); https://imgur.com/aTLNuWb - Advertising selling his characters Proof of the shaman named Threekayoneenh being up for sale for IRL money : https://imgur.com/kgRjZhP and https://imgur.com/b7UScSp MORE proof of the shaman named Threekayoneenh ( ALSO WITH /DANCE CONFIRM THAT IT'S HIM ON DISCORD) https://imgur.com/l2XPLwL Proof of the paladin named "Bananasplit"'s being sold through him : https://imgur.com/LoUQkLv https://imgur.com/a/Y5csTao - This imgur link contains all the proof that we were able to gather. ( Album of photos. )
  4. Yo bros, its me. You should really add 5v5 wargames back, so we have something to do when we are dodging mw warrior teams. 5v5 wargames were really good for subwars, such fun very big! please add back,
  5. yep !! fix this problem, mw's legit doubling dps players dmg ! very bad!
  6. Hello, I think you should make it so the ppl playing solo q 3s, can use the Illusion enchant aswell as the other players. Then maybe alot more ppl are gonna play solo q's and makes the server more active, bbc yes ? i think so gogo
  7. Name: Livinbombirl Realm: Fun Reason: Insulting my family, this has happend serveral times from this person. His main is Felxprod, used wrong ss before, and I can't take new ss of that chat, this is the only one I have and youcan see its from my wow folder Proof: https://gyazo.com/a8130c58112301d06907a67821b786be
  8. Name: Livinbombirl Realm: Fun Reason: Insulting my family, this has happend serveral times from this person. His main is Felxprod Proof: https://gyazo.com/9c74534b0afa0fd1f0ffe29d4572fbf0
  9. True, The server is legit dying because of these PvE Rogues abusing their buddy "Teleporter", Atleast make a fucking delay on it. They wiped 10 man alone, as 2 people. BURST CLOAK VANISH TELEPORTER RESET
  10. Name: dumpkilla Server: Fun Desc: He's abusing the well known druid 2x talent bug. I've been trying to get ppl banned for ages now for exploiting this. Please get these kids banned ffs. I beleve theres no other icons that match these that's aviable for players, so please use ur brain thnx. Proof: https://gyazo.com/aeb5ca22e43817d6c300b4b647900f64 https://gyazo.com/bfddcdb63f618ffd8834aa6161087cc2
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