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Everything posted by jordan83221

  1. LOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOL Muted for saying LOL in "say" chat. Holy shit, you russians are the dumbest species of fucking retards I've ever seen. Please kill yourselves. No wonder you make a private server, you clearly are too stupid to do anything worth doing with your time. Fucking poor bastards, I genuinely feel bad for you. - - - Updated - - - 5 hour mute for saying LOL, holy shit russians are so fucking stupid. I will bomb the fuck out of you bitches.
  2. Is it me, or are Shadrissa and Bukarasik fucking morons. Apparently, "Russians are noobs," isn't racism, according to Shadrissa. Also, apparently knowing how to look at logs and see a name change is too difficult for Pandawow mods. Please get some Brits or Americans to mod this server, Russians are not cut out for this job. Kill yourselves.
  3. Why offer a product if you're not going to keep it up to date? See all the hackers on this server? See all the ones on live? NO, I DONT SEE THE ONES ON LIVE! Because Blizzard took the time out of their lives to patch cheat engine, either get intelligent developers, or delete PandaWoW. I love this server, but not if it doesn't love me enough to patch it's own bugs.
  4. Then don't ban them, just DC them, and then they can talk to a GM about it. Plus, people increase the speed of their client, not decrease, people would never have internet problems where it made it faster, plus, this catches framerate, not latency. If they truly cared about hackers, they would do something to prevent it.
  5. Dear PandaWoW, I am not going to be insulting, I am not going to be offensive, I am just going to state facts. Your server is trash. Bar none, absolute garbage. You mess with everything and that's how it gets messed up. And you never put it back to the way it was, you will never succeed at making a decent server because you constantly destroy everything. You have rank 1 latency so nobody can actually play without waiting a second for their spells to work. Nearly every spell in wow is bugged because you messed with the script of it. I also forgot to mention that your devs are too stupid to stop speedhacking by simply inputting a script into every client checking if the framerate of the client is too high, if it is, ban them. HOW HARD IS THAT? I could write the script for you if you want. It's honestly depressing. Please ban me if I am being insulting, but to any logical person out there, this is fact. Thank you.
  6. Every time I log out, my keybinds are reset and my macros no longer exist, would love it if someone could help me fix this...
  7. I have max engineering and I was banned for speedhacking?? It was a glitch that randomly happened where I logged off while my speed belt was still active and when I logged back in, they acted like they were still on. That wasn't my fault so don't ban me for something I didn't even do. I never used it in a BG, never used it in combat, didn't even know it existed until now. So don't ban me for something I didn't actually do intentionally. The only reason I logged off was to reset my battleground thing where I accidentally tried to queue for a bg that I was already queued for, so then it wouldn't let me queue. I ran to the gate using my boots and they were still on when I logged off.
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