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Everything posted by Khyntia

  1. Hello there, thank you for your report. The players have been punished.
  2. Hello there, thank you for reporting it. The players have been punished.
  3. Please just use this topic related about this complain. Tyrannical, if you want to make another topic where you want to discuss another issue, go ahead, not here.
  4. Hello there, thanks for your report. They was punished like 3 days ago.
  5. Reopened at request of Раевский
  6. Hello there, please tell me the realm and the character name.
  7. Hello there, they have been banned long time ago.
  8. Hello there, he was banned, same as you ( sience your Tøxkik ) :D
  9. Hello there, the players was already punished. Thank you for reporting them.
  10. Hello there, can you type the charname, link of the character names from cpanel ?
  11. Hello there, thank you for reporting them. All of them are banned.
  12. Declined. Both of the accounts you said are from two diffrent players. Also isn't server fault the "deals" you do outside of the cpanel shop. ( there you can buy/sell characters )
  13. Hola, tienes que escribir otro tema usando este formato desde el enlace : https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=244776 aqui : https://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=311 Gracias
  14. Hello there, already announced x100 GM's. Please have patience.
  15. Hello there, thank you for your report. All of them was punished.
  16. Punished. Next time please use the report in game.
  17. Buenas Baraku, seems your problem isn't your client, is your windows, do a search over google with this error "CLR20r3 windows 7 32 bits" and you going to see the problem is windows 7 x32. https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/es-ES/436b042c-20f7-4c6b-809b-e9cc888c573b/error-clr20r3-al-ejecutar-programa-en-windows-7-professional-32-bits?forum=vbes - aqui son ejemplos. Reinstall your windows and just use windows 7 ultimate or windows 10 pro x64 bits. Will solve all your issues. Be sure you are saving your game client on a diffrent partition :)
  18. Buenas Javi, ya te puedes conectar a tu cuenta.
  19. Hello there, thank you for reporting, they are already banned.
  20. Hello there, I think the lag is because of the addons you use, try to disable one by one and see witch one is creating your lag in game. I had the same issue.
  21. Hello there, thank you for your report. They was banned.
  22. Hello there, wrong section and they was already reported. https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=262072
  23. Hello there, the accounts was banned, in progress to delete rating/items.
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