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  1. So if we learned anything today by looking at the report section on the forums, it's that someone is clearly trying to send the staff a message. If anyone paid attention, there's a warrior going around named "Pedrotaco, Fukboytaco and Tacopedro", guy is literally doing millions by abusing a bug but doesn't seem to be using it in arenas or battlegrounds. I asked him why and he said because he "Didn't want to create imbalance between the two factions". He continued saying that this was his way to protest against every single high rated team that abused Rushing Jade Wind, The DK Haste bug, That damn MW glyph that was broken or even the PvE cloaks. Not just that but that none of these people got banned for using something that gave them an unfair advantage over players. Yet, we see this Taco dude running around and getting banned and I am clear here, 1 DAY FOR ABUSING A SPELL ON A WARRIOR THAT MAKES HIM KILL ANYONE INSTANTLY. Yet people still get banned LONGER for insulting someone. Honestly guys. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=164644 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=164619 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=164621 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=164633 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=164636
  2. These idiots have been wintrading, they are all from the guild Uldaman. 2 members from one team leaves and the rest kills the last one running around on his mount http://imgur.com/a/okVEG ^ The idiots on the funrealm
  3. Who's going to report this kid for insulting my mother? (Translated by google) You Jam uesosy Pandavas first Russian server then a dick here amerekosov like shit in your mother
  4. rakescar

    Show your UI

  5. DAMN DUDE HE SAID UR A SHIT MOD HOLY FUCK ARE YOU GOING TO TAKE THAT? Fucking grow up kid holy shit lol
  6. There's two trinkets, http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=86576 and http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=86570/crate-of-kidnapped-puppies. They just spam duels and keep using it until they have tons of em summoned. These pets lasts 10 mis so it's not hard to stack a ton of them and one shot someone.
  7. Please for the sake of human intelligence stop replying to every thread.
  8. Pretty sure you lost because you don't have dark soul bound.
  9. I love this server, they dont ban hackers but ban people insulting someone's mom.
  10. The amount of retard in this post is unbelievable.
  11. you should start doing the entire ceremony for your character. It's gone
  12. Even if it's a "server bug" It's still not allowed to use it. Nuff said.
  13. No, Symbiosis work you have to do a certain thing in order to obtain Ice Block and it's abusing it.
  14. I see you, you're good. As for Lans I keep my comment to myself.
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