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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. wow ... well everyone has a different music taste xD but i'll be honest, 4/10 since this is TOTALLY not my taste :/ let me go bit more nostalgic :D
  2. that english triggers me
  3. 11/10 i love those videos. expendables
  4. i won't post screenshots of how we rekt that WMD as WMS like 5 minutes ago i won't :) anyways lets stop flooding this cuz i want a gm to answer
  5. Noneedholy


    nice, he posted a screen where dionysus joined as ele. i bet he did 260k dmg as resto Jk
  6. actually 10/10 but heared it way too much so 8/10 :D exactly ! Let me post something unknown. Found this guy and i think hes pretty amazing
  7. Noneedholy


    hes talking about i lost yday 4 times to blaston while i was out. That's interesting, maybe i played 3s on my Samsung Galaxy s5 TOPKEK
  8. enough for you.
  9. Noneedholy


    yeah lol he can watch my stream from yesterday if he want but he won't find a single 3s match there. Let him lie i guess noone cares
  10. Noneedholy


    posting this isn't a good idea.
  11. 7/10 nice lyrics but not my taste. nostalgic :)
  12. Noneedholy


    i didnt even que 3s yesterday xD.. DUDE WHY DID YOU RECORD... that was embarrassing, i even forgot to turn my stream off when i went to bed lmao
  13. wait, did he say im ddosing him ? Rofl this guy is hilarious
  14. yeah, at least you learned smth from me and try to copy me now. rip
  15. You are fucking braindamaged
  16. Beside of selling BG bots im also selling "how to play guides" for doritos and mnt dew. you could buy one just to become betther at this game. Yes you backward monkey, you suck kek you tried so hard and and won't get far rip
  17. Noneedholy


    you are actually the stupidest person i know on this forum. Yeah i need to lie that i was outside, oh my god dude get a fucking brain. Ah ye i already figured out that ur an backward monkey.
  18. wow ... i'm almost scared. Rofl bruv get a brain or something you suck
  19. Noneedholy


    yeah and you dont. Neither you have a brain so stfu and stop sucking on my di**, slut. ;)
  20. Noneedholy


    you even realise that i was out yesterday and came back at 2 am and queued 2s ye ? Dude ur such a huge liar rofl. I remember that i farmed this guys like 5 times with pewds. They are not even betther than you, sorry
  21. Let's do something funny (beside of all this funny blame threads) Guess the headline explains alot :) Just post somthing ur listening to atm and rate the previous comment. x/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJU-v-uNLtQ
  22. insulting for no reason .... lol pleb
  23. I would like to hear his answer on Pandawow season never ends Wintrader never get punished Pandawow fixes yearly Diabloque still retarded
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