Beside of selling BG bots im also selling "how to play guides" for doritos and mnt dew. you could buy one just to become betther at this game.
Yes you backward monkey, you suck
kek you tried so hard and and won't get far
you are actually the stupidest person i know on this forum. Yeah i need to lie that i was outside, oh my god dude get a fucking brain.
Ah ye i already figured out that ur an backward monkey.
you even realise that i was out yesterday and came back at 2 am and queued 2s ye ? Dude ur such a huge liar rofl. I remember that i farmed this guys like 5 times with pewds. They are not even betther than you, sorry
Let's do something funny (beside of all this funny blame threads)
Guess the headline explains alot :)
Just post somthing ur listening to atm and rate the previous comment.