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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. Noneedholy

    Malefic Grasp

    which i dont understand since möhrchenlol and praii were mates from Minpojke.
  2. wait what ? Tiggar = mirlól confirmed ?
  3. that movie was fucking amazing. was shit i love it when people with social problems judge other people :D ( I won't mention how you spammed me ingame and in skype) Get ouf of my forum.
  4. Noneedholy

    Malefic Grasp

    that video triggered me ..... they were so happy about beating an RMD as LSD ...oh dear
  5. lol ... can you please que early ? I g2g at 8 pm (GMT +1) so please que before so i can stomp you some times with dionysus and pewds .... please. Also idk what you trying to proof ... even if we would farm you tonight ( what we do anyways ) you would wintrade right after back to 2.8 LOL
  6. Noneedholy


    tha ... all you got is my dick last time you played against my rmd
  7. Let me throw something in. pissed me first time lol
  8. hey mr. pro tell me how to stop a boomkin whos spamming 150k instant starsurges. Even on GCDTV they are oneshotting always. dont even try
  9. Can someone ban this retard finally ? getting bored of wintrader scum
  10. sry but noone wants to watch "BALANCE" druids who are oneshotting on retail with 1 button.
  11. i love my new avatar - - - Updated - - - wow this is cancerous - - - Updated - - - topkek
  12. OH MY GOD why is this fucking useless TRASH hunter even talking here ? Bro you have fucking downsyndrome ! You dont even know what roar of sacrafice is. Also you was SPAMMING ME like sucking my cock just to play with my warrior 3s. Bro you suck, i thought i let you already know this. Fuck sake dont talk here like you farm everyone dude. As i said i didnt even count how many times i raped you. You raped my rmd ? are you fucking SRS ? You won ONE game. ONE out of 6 ( YE you lost 5 times) when my mage fall under map. Congratz dude. There are 2 possible ways. 1. You are just trolling and you actually know that you are bad and you got farmed against everyone. 2. you are just COMPLETLY Braindamaged and you still think you are good and everyone who you are playing with is bad. Bro you are just a fucking misshapen creature. Noone can be THAT stupid. And than this wintrade, are you srs ? DUDE if you wintrade do it at least not so obvious like that. You are completly braindamaged bro, your iq must be below 50 i can't explain it in another way. Fucking dog, and now sit down and watch how you will get banned and your whole lifework (for you : your lifework = your wintraded 3s cr) get resettet. Fucking slut dont get on my nerves
  13. you are so triggered dude. Maybe you can swear on your family because it's worthless, but i wont. retard. http://img06.deviantart.net/b308/i/2015/136/c/c/pjsalt_by_meowwwwwww-d8tnfun.png
  14. I won't say anything against your mom.I respect her because she didnt give you up. My bet on this is that you are just gay.
  15. 1. i didnt even count how many times i farmed you even on my 3rd alts. 2. you got rekd against my holypala /lolololololololol 3. you are not famous, you are the mockery from Pandawow dude. 4. 1k viewer is nothing, dumbass 5. No, you leave this thread because you realised that you get shittalked way too much for ur wintrade. You should leave this server faggot
  16. no .
  17. mine would be 150x100 and 43 kb but its still "too large " idk lol ...
  18. you SUCK and also you wintraded so stfu now and go back into ur cave you fucking retard. Hope you will get banned. Dumbfuck
  19. sick sick change it but i guess it need some time until it works :3 hmm i can take it as profil picture but not as avatar ... weird damn its so small LOL
  20. Let this wintrade cunt pay 10.000.000 bonuses for an IP-unban. We need to clear this server from all this rats.
  21. you are a fucking rat ! getting farmed ALWAYS when you are in 3s que and now you have to wintrade ? Hope you will get banned + locked on all rewards + get ouf of my fucking ladder you poor piece of shit. You should go back to the street and sell oranges Mr. Akuyama ². Honestly i was already wondering how he could be 2.6 since NOONE saw him queueing.
  22. yo dude wanna help me to make my profile pic like yours ? im a fan ...
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