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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. /update ? It's mop ... you should be able to get like 2.5 with 30 wins >.> (if you play on really really really high mmr)
  2. Noneedholy


  3. You have no idea how to roast someone ... 2.4 even as double dps is fucking bad. Played firemage war to 2.6 pleb. yes nice ! They have actually reached more in their lives than you will ever do. Also you post a picture from him ? Lol felxprod show us your cancerface please i really really want to laugh. You are the one hiding behind his Computer, ddosing ppl and trashtalk everyone as soon as they gonna tell you how shit you are in game and irl (which is the true btw) Orange seller ftw.
  4. You should plax other expansions than. If you wann see only rmd's play wod. Anyways idc i play destro mld ;D
  5. amazing, gonna test it than. Any news when this updates is gonna be released ?
  6. what you mean ? is it gonna be fixed next update ?
  7. What ? they won 1 single time today against me and purpolz and lost like 5 overall rofl. Nice try, your signature still triggers me. Well i won't keep commenting because there is such too much trashtalk here. Btw I already mentioned in my post my screen isn't a proof, i just want them to check their logs and also some mods confirmed that they will check logs if theres a conjecture of wintrading.
  8. actually rogues can pick up eyes while stealthed which is a huge bug atm.
  9. yes i get farmed 24/7 thats why i farmed them with dio 3-0. Anyways idc you can say what you want, just want them to check their logs and pretty sure they will do it. honestly rofl .. djworldtwo just ur signature makes me /facepalm so hard i cant even put that in words.Turboqt i dont know you and i prob. dont even want to but okay typical random. And Monk21 ? yes nice no wonder ppl have to make second accounts to answer here :rofl_mini: :rofl_mini: :rofl_mini: :rofl_mini: :rofl_mini: Anyways wintrader gonna get punished and you can be mad as much as you want.
  10. Ok just asked takaa if he could give me a screen and ( he has the name for not even 1 week now so it would be weird if you wouldnt have queued that comb for 2 weeks ye :D? ) http://www.hapshack.com/images/6Z9hr.jpg That game was today :)
  11. that's interesting because you queued with him today and lost against realznk and takaa (on dk = bodyfitnessq) later you did that game against your own alt. Good that admins can check logs ;) Even that lie proofs me that you wintraded. Otherwise ive no idea why you should lie like that. I guess alot of people also saw you queueing today with your hunter ( gonna ask takaa for a screenshot )
  12. 1. Выше & Smexaxa 2. Fun 3. I already saw that this guys are always spamqueueing into a double warrior team on 2.8 mmr. I was like ok, they are wintrading but iven o proof at all ... No i just saw them playing against a 2.8 mmr Hunter + warrior. This enemy hunter was called Крестьянка and it was the alt Hunter from smexaxa. 4. http://i.imgur.com/j9HHzEI.jpg 5. You are right that my screen proofs nothing ( i came late in that game ) Anyways I would like to ask you if you could check this two characters. Im 100% sure This guys queued against their alts. Would be nice if we could get the wintrader right now out of the ladder inb4 everyone complains about them at the end of the season ;). ^ Pretty sure that fits in since the hunter queued against his own alt char ;) hope you can check them ! Thanks in advance :)
  13. interesting ... typical day on pandawow
  14. can you FUCKING stop lieing you prick ? I can't say how much i hate all this ddos kids right here yes he got dc'd LOL
  15. i want to choose my own price .... if i win you gonna stop ddosing purpolz ?
  16. Realm tested - Fun Spell - Explosive Shot Date tested - 01/11/2015 Description - The damage done is not divided evenly based in the damage left from the previous Explosive Shot and the newly applied one, resulting in ridiculous damage(because they're added as if the previous one hadn't dealt any damage). How it should work - The damage should be splitted evenly between the ticks, basing in the damage left from the previous explosive(s) shot(s) and the new one, remaining with same ticks amount. The quote below is worth of being seen(has a better explanation). FIX THIS BULLSHIT FINALLY OMG
  17. /Bump
  18. Hope you get perm banned ingame and in the forums.
  19. Noneedholy


    tiny brain and big hopes ... interesting
  20. Noneedholy


    so ? 1. u won't get a title cuz u got already banned REKD 2. You are obviously wintrading ... that's pretty nice, u just showed us one more time how bad you are. 3. You never farmed me .. man queueing against you is just freepoints for me lol ... Didn't even count how many times i beat you WHILE ur playing OP shit like KFC... but ye as i said we just 6-0 you as rmd ( jk u won 1 when i fell under map ) you are a poor cunt but u won't get any title. Hope you are super mad right now :)
  21. Ur missing both and was 2.5 in 3s :)
  22. Noneedholy


    You are so bad lmfao ... Man we even FARMED ur kfc as rmd so stop talking lol ... only because soneone isnt spamqueueing, he isnt dodging. U are just bad and thats why u wont get any titel. Even if i need to get r 4-6 on my both wars rofl Dont even want to mention how u lost as kfc against destro MLD.
  23. working as intended. rather learn ur class or watch some videos instead of making useless reports. dispers before. anyways no video proof.
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