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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. You guys both suck, felxprod especially you. You dont have to be sad that u cant get rating or cant get friends IRL.... i mean i cant explain it by myself what needs to happen that you ddos people retarded ddoser scum
  2. You are so poor dude. Actually your even commentating here. Holy fuck ur a fucking nolifer. grow up
  3. http://i.imgur.com/C7e7tDr.png http://i.imgur.com/C7e7tDr.png
  4. So true fix this bullshit Most fucking annoying bullshit on this server atm fix it NOW
  5. R1 wms who can't even get a stormbolt/deep poly ... 4Head
  6. OH MY GOD NOOO !!!! Thunderclap glyph was the reason why warriors are op here !! Fuck i need a new class now ! jk
  7. 1. Wyslacom 2. Fun 3. As we see in my 2 videos this warrior is obviously using kickbot. Started to record that you gonna see how obviously hes doing it. 4. proof 1 : http://www.twitch.tv/sazzieu/v/33305185 (1x kickbot) proof 2 : http://www.twitch.tv/sazzieu/v/33304548 (2x kickbotted) 5. This warrior is doing that the whole day and everyone is already annoyed from him. Hope you can punish him for such a unfair gameplay like that. thanks in advance
  8. ............................................________ ....................................,.-'"...................``~., .............................,.-"..................................."-., .........................,/...............................................":, .....................,?......................................................, .................../...........................................................,} ................./......................................................,:`^`..} .............../...................................................,:"........./ ..............?.....__.........................................:`.........../ ............./__.(....."~-,_..............................,:`........../ .........../(_...."~,_........"~,_....................,:`........_/ ..........{.._$;_......"=,_......."-,_.......,.-~-,},.~";/....} ...........((.....*~_......."=-._......";,,./`..../"............../ ...,,,___.`~,......"~.,....................`.....}............../ ............(....`=-,,.......`........................(......;_,,-" ............/.`~,......`-...................................../ .............`~.*-,.....................................|,./.....,__ ,,_..........}.>-._...................................|..............`=~-, .....`=~-,__......`,................................. ...................`=~-,,.,............................... ................................`:,,...........................`..............__ .....................................`=-,...................,%`>--==`` ........................................_..........._,-%.......` ...................................,
  9. Noneedholy

    Bleeds on war

    ye this aidslaugh is amazing xD
  10. Noneedholy

    Bleeds on war

    24k bleed .... and ? Lol dude http://www.twitch.tv/bloodxeu/c/4857438 kek warrior is doing too much dmg here ofc but that has nothing to do with bleeds /facepalm
  11. Noneedholy

    Bleeds on war

    NICE retard ! Avatar + ALL proccs + strength pot ! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL and ur wondering ? Holy fuck dude stop posting here you are completly bullshit ... faced u 3x now and always u stuck below 1.7 mmr ... fuck sake delete ur forum acc ur more than wasted
  12. lol ye i was laughing also "he was can wait" uneducated piece of shit
  13. As we all know, our dear akuyama is ddosing (Ok he already apologized for the shit he was doing and since than i never heard about something like that) Fine. BUT ! we got a new badass over there. So happy that i could catch him while he even ADMIT that he ddos. just to mention it was a fight me and dion vs. Alexisren and his russian hunter. http://i.imgur.com/uNACNKt.jpg This guy is also called Федямортал on his warrior yes its the dodgehero from 3s. Anyways just wanted to warn you to NOT give your skype to him pce. UPDATE ! Furmetal fucking ddos rat hope you gonna get punished for that shit ur doing http://i.imgur.com/C7e7tDr.png
  14. Noneedholy

    Bleeds on war

    1 question, do u guys try that shit with avatar ? I never do above 50k bleeds. still rofl 80k + bleed lol such bullshit
  15. /push - the only reason why trash mages can play here /push - the only reason why trash mages can play here /push - the only reason why trash mages can play here /push - the only reason why trash mages can play here /push - the only reason why trash mages can play here /push - the only reason why trash mages can play here /push - the only reason why trash mages can play here /push - the only reason why trash mages can play here
  16. I doubt that you will see him while he is in vanish. He has a increased stealth for like 2-3 sec where you simply cant find him .... weird if you could lel
  17. Noneedholy


    Rofl guys why so much QQ here ? I just rekt 2.6 KFC's and 2.2 + wls yesterday as DESTRO MLD. Stop telling me druid is weak haha. We just play that comb good and thats how we simply kill them. not to forget that i played 30-1 as double war + mw with doomcryer /dreamteam Every T1-T2 comb here is viable if you know how to play it. But sorry everyone i saw here in the thread is just playing 3s for fun. Doesnt mean hes bad but as i saw from repitch. His mage has no idea how to play RMP, he try to make constant pressure as rmp /lol. Anyways if you play a T1 / T2 comb good here, you can beat everything. Ah and ye jordan you suck l2p druid
  18. http://i.imgur.com/ZylF57L.jpg should i add something ? dont think so http://res.cloudinary.com/urbandictionary/image/upload/a_exif,c_fit,h_200,w_200/v1395991705/gjn81wvxqsq6yzcwubok.png
  19. Ye because locks are weak here xDDDD learn to snapshot, its working as intended
  20. I played resto druid Firemage, resto druid frostmage, rdruid war honestly, these 3 combs are the only viable combs for a druid in s15. Deal with it that people play it and im still higher than you. Druid is my fucking main class and i can even admit that its fine. Just learn to heal and stop QQing ... lol Hilarious. I can even outheal a MW in 2s in dampening Roflmao. Warrior and locks are OP here OFC but stop fucking QQing about druids because they are fine. As i said failing at 1400 mmr. You have nothing to talk about. Good night guys im drunk as fuck. cba discussing with people who stuck on 1.5 xxD - happy new year
  21. shut up now. I watched your stream u even trinket a 2 seconds deep freeze. You are totally shit and know nothing about anything. 2k Trash player keep QQing about classes and blame ppl who actually understand that game ? Holy fuck man grow up and hit 2.2 than you can keep talking here. FFs you are completly bullshit. You are the same kind of shit player that post in the official Arena forums. People without even 2.2 XP only QQing about things because they cant play their classes. Go home dude ur playing druid and u failed hard in 3s on 1.4 mmr. Holy fuck man you are horrible plce learn to play resto druid scrub
  22. teach me senpai .... never do above 120k (even with reck) learn to play rdruid .. playing my druid on 2850 now with friends ive no problems at all .. i would even say druid is abit op here. 200k swiftmend hello ? Lol idk why so much QQ about druids honestly they are fine
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