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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. idk why you guys still give a shit about puberty kids
  2. kids in the nursery school are doing that also btw Mods here gonna be like justify 24/7. Lmfao just waiting until Nemifest is back. OH WAIT he will blame someone and close the thread than. poor pandawow .... poor pandawow but the forum is always funny. Retards who argue against each other ... 1600 player who try to say something... Well ive nothing against weegee but i guess if some1 makes a spelling mistake, it's not a problem at all. Keep calm but ye the russian Gm's should go to a english course
  3. inb4 imagine 1500 mmr bracket. ^ cogman once again, why do people talk about farm etc. while they struggle at 1.5 / 1.6 ?
  4. 95% of all russians who play here ?
  5. Noneedholy


    ^ for fuck sake we don't care omg This kid has a attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
  6. i guess you care alot about this server :3 I mean i play retail atm but honestly if i want to play mop i play more on ***mane rofl... at least i get this things who got promised on another server. Typical Pandawow player .... donating all your money to a server that don't give a shit about the community isn't stupid ? Ah ye i forgot some ppl just have too much money and can do with it whatever they want /kek. I can tell you why pandawow will NEVER care about anyone here. Because people like you are happy about everything. They offer you chars / items etc. completly overpriced (25€ for a char LOL ) on a bugged server with 1-2 changelogs per 2 months. And you even buy this... tzzz. They dont need to change their mind and MAYBE care abit more about the community because 90% of the ppl are happy with this bugged server and want to donate anyways if they fix something or not less work --> same money so why work more for abit more money ? I guess they earn enough money with you guys rofl
  7. Noneedholy


    I won't answer to your post anymore because it seems like that you didnt even read what i wrote. learn english like all the other trash russian kids in this thread here. Otherwise don't talk to me or to anyone else here. At least use google translate instead of spamming russian dogshit in this thread. Fucking disgusting
  8. the most stupid player maybe lol
  9. online ! playing with everyone
  10. devapexteam is so shiet lol. Only way to get a decent repack is pay for it
  11. yep needed to carry godx. Doesnt matther this comb suck balls and is completly hillarious on pandawow. i wont play it srs -never
  12. the only funny thing here is the fact that you are the only one laughing abour ur joke
  13. tsg ... lel play with takaa or zhalifa, im 2 bad for that comb bro. I only can play Firemage WMS
  14. lol i was wondering also
  15. wenn du meins runtergeladen hast, ganz normal sprache ändern das geht. Hatte das selbe Problem mit dem komischen russen client sollte aber schon in deutsch sein
  16. neeees name hast du da https://mega.nz/#!1NxUABZB!2_kxmW36idHBEmPAtNxgvbjGiFsSxuuDah4DQBidKzE lad dir meins runter, kannst ohne probleme ändern
  17. ^ oh god ... this thread is so useless xD rly ? i mean rly xD ?
  18. lol ppl still belive in panda lol
  19. http://i.imgur.com/gfEtdaZ.jpg
  20. playing abit priest
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jb32Ego033o still have tears in my eyes ... so wonderful ! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  22. rofl made my day yes that exist and its very popular But if we talk abour retail, 80% of highrating russian players are using bots. Even on Pandawow i saw tons of warriors who are using reflect scripts. It's not hard to write a script that reflects instantly Clone as soon as the druid is casting it with NS. Or deep for example. As i said even on Pandawow this things happen :) Nop if he blame russians for using scripts, he just see the reality
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsE00jI00ds
  24. dogshit online. playing 2s --> retarded op comb to proof my skill check it out !
  25. Noneedholy

    buff stacking

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