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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. Noneedholy


    nice mmr bro !
  2. Noneedholy


  3. talking about double combat rogue in s15 on 2.5k + and yes it ws possible. We are not in WOD and in MOP i had alot of dampening games. Played on retail with Zitrø some Rogue priest to like 2.2 / 2.3 and we had almost only games to 50-80% damp. Also when i played with Baz as rdruid fire against hydra + pshero we went to 90% dampening. And that was at the end of the season
  4. Noneedholy


    that feeling when a player who hit first time in his life 2k, has to spam the whole forum with his screenshots
  5. actually true ye ofc if you dont know how to play your DPS class properly. Start instant dampening rly ? Lol Every rsham war will destroy any mage teams also every MW war will destroy EVERY melee team ^ You can only beat this combs atm (which are countercombs btw) If you manage it to force deff cd's before dampening / early dampening so that they will have nothing in big dampening. Just say
  6. thanks but i guess we all know how it was meant. Atm both isnt affected by dampening and that's the point.
  7. idk why ppl QQ about 2s here. .. 2s is just a unbalanced bracket and 98% on highrating played heal + dps deal with it :) seems like you never played retail. It worked great on retail, the only bug here is that some healers are healing for too much.
  8. ye that even more scrubs play dampening combs to gain rating. Nty I would really like to do it but ...... against the suggestion sry #prayforrussiankids
  9. Noneedholy


    go on guys.
  10. looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool ur talking about AT / warmane MOP ? I don't hope so because people there are even worse than pandawow player Even on wotlk there are not that good players anymore.
  11. ofc i don't say that bladestorm sucks. I just say that if you use your wave properly you can do way more stuff and outplay them way betther. I also didnt say 1.5 warrior, i said that blink a warrior charge is 1.5 stuff and not 1 good mage would do that. Read my whole comment pls :D
  12. i guess our definition of good is different xD
  13. isnt it sad that i enjoy ashran more than pandawow atm ?
  14. Noneedholy


    lmfaoooooooooooo Typical pandawow player xD ! thanks btw i laughed my ass off.
  15. Noneedholy


    rly ? i mean rly ? This guy complains about wms etc. but plays beastcleave ? LOL
  16. Noneedholy


    @iwannadance you always post dumb created images from the ladder... where is your point ? I mean really if you are a troll i'll give you 0/10.
  17. Retail is love, retail is life ! http://i.imgur.com/xChPdWS.png
  18. IDk why people still trying to argue here ... actually Player who played on retail discuss with people who never played on retail. People like pujo or whoever defends dk don't want to understand it, even when its fucking obvious. Just stop trying to argue the majority of this server never played retail in s15 ( like 95%). And i'm talking about playing on a rating where you can tell someone which class is good or not. They are the majority and they will always QQ so there will be NEVER a correct balancing on this server. rip only thing you can do if you want a balanced server --> go retail because even the dev's here didnt played retail i guess.
  19. interesting ..
  20. there was a russian GM who said its bugged. You cant say anything against that. Lmfao sad
  21. they were good if you played it perfect yes
  22. no, they gonna eat everything. And also you will see every backpaddeling trash dk on highrating now. rip
  23. okok ofc ye idd ikr neff > you 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head EleGiggle KappaPride
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