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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. i love that gif xD
  2. No they didnt. They just fixed the Display thing. MMR is bugged as before. thats how it should work : http://imgur.com/Vup0JJS ^^
  3. it's not 5 lmfao this bug is annoying as fuck as soon as u play on a decent rating
  4. am i invisible ? LOL
  5. tested everything but the problem is still there. Since everything that you change in arena / on cross realm isnt affected outside i guess i "WOULD" have to go to a barbier on "mop cross". But ye no idea how to fix that
  6. Noneedholy


  7. nice should i start speaking german now ? - - - Updated - - -
  8. let me correct myself. Trashtalking after some1 fell under map or you DDoSed him.
  9. again : which new system ?
  10. 1. point of this thread ? 2. which new system ?
  11. Is this guy akuyamas brother ? LOL
  12. ye ofc issue. I can't even join arenas with a proper haircut lmfao. No but tbh its pissing me off.
  13. Noneedholy


    ahm you did it already after you called the server name ?
  14. Noneedholy


    typical mistake compareing Pandawow with retail. On retail you didnt die in 1 minute after you let the lock freecast
  15. The issue is still there btw
  16. No, you choose that talent that you can cast that shit and do something else at the same time. Attacking someone or w/e i don't really need to explain that since everyone knows how it should work and ur just defending a stupid bug xD
  17. ok nvm you proved me your point. You actually proved me that you are not above 13 years old Lol
  18. You are a huge kid and i would say that shit deserves a ban. Holy sh*t that isnt funny at all become adult dont even try to edit it, already screenshotted
  19. ok for you i gonna citate myself again Actually you are just too dumb to understand that. Probably you never will.
  20. It's just annoying as fuck that you have to play like 100 games until you can play on a decent mmr ...
  21. I am really sick of seeing people make this argument in response to dying in Arenas, not knowing how to play their character, etc... Plenty of people play this game that work all day, have families, go to school, volunteer, have responsibilities and they play very well. Just because you suck stop claiming it is because you have a life. Own up to why you are failing and maybe you can fix it.
  22. lmfao ...
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