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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. a movie from 5.4.7 ? thats no proof lol
  2. even the GM's are crying about dk's Lmfao (no offense) this is 5.4.7, we are in 5.4.8. 5.4.7 was full of bugs and blizzard worked alot of things until 5.4.8. i will give everyone here who play DK a pro tip: Learn to play and than you can reck even in 2s. also when i played dk yesterday i did 60k necro /1 hit Oo pce. And no it doesnt benefit from PvP power. i talked with multiple dk's from retail also some glads. No reason why pvp power should affect with necro. Look in the changelog also.
  3. no ty i prefer dodging after i got 100-0 jk dodge is not even a word i just dont que
  4. Noneedholy


    lmfao war + rsham + lock what a wonder xD lmao and than you wake up ye xD ? such a bullshit, warriors also had like ~27-30% crit btw you can check the web.archive and look at some warriors back in s15 you will see that trille has only 30% :D. As i said the slam formula is correct but warrior is overscaling alot with the resillence bug, same with lock
  5. / up take care guys akuyama aka mr. DDoS is still doing his job :3
  6. Noneedholy


    good player xD raou 3.4 xD ye ofc i can be 4k after wintradeing also. (raou stucked on 2.4 before btw)
  7. i laughed so much
  8. ye like the try to report slam xD fail.
  9. hahhahahahaha ayy lmaooo
  10. ye just that feeling that you know there are no dk's anymore in arena lmao. too good.
  11. yes, now just fix Locks and the DMG from every class overall ( resil. maybe ? ) and this server will become famous af
  12. Idk how to say that because ive tears in my eyes after i read that : This is by far the best you ever did. Thanks pandawow :3
  13. Noneedholy


    we are talking about this season not about last season. Read the thread before you comment please
  14. gg who need clone macros lmao btw who is marykzy LOL
  15. Noneedholy


    i still didn't played wls maybe in the offseason 3-4 games. Sorry but i guess i know betther what im playing since the start of the season lmfao edit : and dont forget that im selling / buying 24/7 my chars.
  16. what the ?? LOL. ___ Yo guys this is a english section so please stop spamming this thread with russian. Thanks
  17. ye ... anyways offtopic: Fucking epxlosive shot dmg fix this ridicolous shit now !
  18. Hm i'm still trying to find where he use his kickbot ? can't see his interrupt on cd :l also he isnt even faceing the druid so theres no way that he can CS him
  19. Noneedholy


    sometimes i play WMS with that mage :l idk what he plays else are you mentally retarded ? me (allahuakbarz) never played WLS so stop posting random shit in here. Also purpolz isnt playing it. We are playing Firemage + war + Rsham but ye keep talking that i'm playing WLS. And ye your paint skillz are horrible. (no offense, just want to correct your screen) Yes maybe it sounds stupid but im the only warrior in the ladder actually who isn't playing WLS
  20. Noneedholy


    man .. can someone help me ? i can't find out what comb they are playing in the top 10 ... http://i.imgur.com/kS00tkF.png
  21. 1. Propeloljk 2. Fun 3. As we see in my video the warrior try to kill the pet constantly to remove soul link (20% reduced dmg) from the lock. But the lock moved his pet on the top of the wall / in the wall. 4. IMAGES : [ATTACH=CONFIG]95669[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]95670[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]95671[/ATTACH] Imgur : http://imgur.com/a/3tbqf After this 2 screenshots i started to record the game. Video proof: 0:00 we see 4th time he abuse 3:10 the 5th time he abuse 5.The warrior can't kill his pet and also can't bypass the 20% dmg reduce from the warlock, he provide an advantage for hisself. Thanks in advance
  22. Noneedholy


    im playing wms :( sometimes... inb4 MW tsg lmfao
  23. Noneedholy


  24. if you want to play like neik and suck like 95% from the warriors here, yes :D
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