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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. There is already a post in the russian section ( for like 5 months now ?) but seems like noone cares.
  2. i doubt you have a "good" job when your still going to school ;)
  3. Noneedholy


    no it's not pointless who you gonna kill lmfao
  4. Why are people like felxprod even able to write in this forum ? I mean he achieved nothing in that game and shittalk other people ? He is a rand like every other 1.5 random who is running around here. Typical Pandawow random who think that he is something after he hit 2k. Disgusting
  5. nvm felixprod sucks lel
  6. tbh This should have 10/10 priority. Every hunter who is above 2.4 right now is it only cause of this bug. and EDIT : It hits for 100k not 70k ^^ (if you stack it enough)
  7. How he try to prove hisself in a forum instead of arena. And why not in arena ? because he is bad
  8. haha that copy paste xD
  9. LOL didn't even notice ty xD
  10. when my priest was on 2450 cr back in s15 i queued 1 time accidentally with neverdeathjk on his priest (cavyx) 2s as double priest. Man we just shrekd a 2.350 mmr hunter priest Team Lmfao
  11. Just for you to saw how it was on retail :
  12. furmetal can you please do something useful and report this FUCKING explosive shot ? this cancer fuck is annoying. Fucking rand hunters who backpaddle and still oneshot you with a 130k explosive in deffstance as war YO talking about the stacking bug btw.
  13. elbugjo already abused it and did like 80k dps with it.
  14. hahahha an akuyama fanboy. But for you : Hpriest + WW Hpriest + Hunter Hpriest + warrior This combs were played on retail also on highrating.
  15. i never lost as rdruid mage. I lost 1x as rsham war vs him. Anyways he didnt crit you for 200k. You are just a sad abuser cunt who cant win against a firemage WHILE abusing rushing jadewind. Worst warrior around here. pce worthless abuser rat
  16. xD. No man tbh thats so fucking dumb ...
  17. what should i say ... http://i.imgur.com/efIe1B6.jpg http://i.imgur.com/GwlSzuD.jpg 3-0 and 1-1 as rsham war. Delete your acc.
  18. I proofed it already with a bluepost. It doesnt affect with Mastery idc why you are always talkinga bout dmg. Also i said to this video that is was in 3s (spelldamage buffs +++ ) and opener proccs. Try it again
  19. So i proofed my point now. Saylance your formula for the UA dispel dmg was wrong how i showed you. And safety it shouldn't get increased by mastery. I posted a bluepost form 2011 okay if you have smth that is new than let's go
  20. It doesnt affect by mastery. 5.4.0 changelog to unstable affliction
  21. Ok bud, you find a post that is from 2014 ? or a changelog ? No you won't so you have no proofs. At least i posted a bluepost here the last official post / changelog is from 2011 and mastery DOES NOT INCREASE the UA dispel damage !
  22. What do you want ? it still shouldn't affect with mastery. Don't talk about 3s since all the buffs who increase spellpower etc. increase the UA dmg. We are talking about locks in 2s who crit 150-160k Also the lock in the vid had EVERY proc up and here you can easily do 140k without any proccs.
  23. why so aggressiv lol ? Seems like someone is playing lock here LMAO - - - Updated - - - No it doesnt ! i asked multiple locks right now who are playing active on retail about ~2.5 mmr and as soon as i have time i gonna try to find someone who can test it. There is no changelog and even in WoD it doesnt increase the dispel dmg. @Furmetal tell me if the dispel dmg is affected by mastery. If yes, it's bugged as i said as soon as i find someone from retail who can test it, i will. But before i found an old post where they removed mastery from the dispel dmg because the dmg was "too much" http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2456451267 ^ bluepost
  24. did you screenshot how you lost against me also ?
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