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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. hmm i really think about starting to play PvE Lmao ... idk i get bored of the imbalance in PvP so it could be a nice diversified @frostshotz which class you need atm for your raids and also, is it worth to start PvE here ? I mean if you consider all the pandawow bugs.
  2. Lmao... very thin ice xD
  3. If you can ban the pet for 30 seconds you will use it. Otherwise its useless ( if its fixed) 1500 mmr doesnt count boy
  4. lmfao well done didnt see
  5. this .... is .... so.... dumb ... https://gyazo.com/1d3ec524aa384cb424b755eafb10bb62 lmfao are you guys that bad that you have to wintrade in 5s ?
  6. mission complete. HUEHUE let's go back to the homebase! i'll miss that tons of trashtalking in the forum. I will also miss to read in every 2nd comment "noneed" well pce http://i.imgur.com/BheaN2s.gif
  7. Hue retard squad is going around :D udaku = absolutezero .. your scared to tell us your main characters name or what :l As i said udaku = absolutezero and he couldnt even spell his name correct. he goes off --> dio cames on. Poor dio has to post on his 2nd account. udaku = absolutezero and he has his own forum acc.
  8. Lmao this guy is dionysus on his second account :D I just remember that his warrior was named "rockabella" and look how he act like. Thats 1:1 dionysus. Roflmao you made my day !
  9. Oh he made a second forum account to continue butthurting here. Gr8 m8 r8 8/8
  10. This shouldn't be a bug report ( that's why its not according to the rules ) it's just a overview for the staff to know which bugs should be fixed asap. I guess most of the people will agree that this bugs are most annoying on here. This is a thread about Bugs who are important for PvP. Surv. Hunter explosive shot : http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=133000&highlight=explosive+shot i can't speak proper russian but as i know it's bugged as hell here on Pandawow and this video : --> also proofs me that 100k explosives like here on pandawow were never possible. Glyph of deep freeze still bugged http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=110865 I guess every mage here understand what im talking about ;) Ring of frost never break. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=150657 everything explained in this report. Polymorph doesn't break by orb http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=155015&p=958727#post958727 also everything explained. Life Cocoon http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=142097 A shame for EVERY MW player. Necrotic strike imbalanced http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=153743 Powerword shield absorb Bug http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=132854 not affected by dampening AND battle fatigue. Absorb bugs in general (only about the battle fatigue bug) http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=143205 Scatter shot into explosive + freeze trap http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=154773&p=957744#post957744 gives hunter a HUGE mobility buff. MMR system / display Bug http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=150398 really really really important ! So this bugs are my top 10 atm. I bet i forgot alot of important bugs but if you guys want to add something, just let me know and i'll maybe add them unless it's about PvE and not gamebreaking.
  11. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=84714/frozen-orb or http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=28272/polymorph not sure. 2. If you use frozen orb on a target which is in http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=28272/polymorph , it will not brake the polymorph. 3. Frozen orb should instantly brake poly 4. 19.10.2015 5. fun / x100 6. 8/10 spamming orb into poly. You cant even avoid poly as healer anymore since standing in a Orb doesnt help you.
  12. hmmm Dionysus i told you, you shouldn't insult ... now you got rekd. https://gyazo.com/92d40b17d20477fda49461b89e4c9350 https://gyazo.com/a78edc4e08569b57091fc9e40287e1cd
  13. Noneedholy


    ah ye i forgot i already posted that and said it's raou ... so yes
  14. even if you knew that a mate from you was doing that where is the reason to tell me that ? your just a sneaky person doe. Well i guess everything is said. You got your hate from enough people here now. And i really mean HATE when you read the last quotes. I just heared that i blame people which i can admit. I blame alot of people if they are playing bad and can't even admit that. But that's nothing that makes me sad or something. And repitch as i said that what you said here has nothing to do with trashtalking, im talking about earlier but that isnt important here. You can also tell me thousend times more how everyone hates me but still as soon as im online on my druid / war i get alot of whispers for arena or whatever just to point out that i've someone to play with. Going to sleep since i've to wake up early tomorrow i dunno but i guess as "THE PERFECT MAN" you are busy tomorrow, don't you want to go to sleep ? :D i really enjoy trolling you tbh. no, dionysus is best rsham by far, he is r1 in 3s atm Kappa
  15. https://gyazo.com/afb33577780c4f5532c9d8d03d1f1d8d Dionysus never shittalk. I really didn't want to post skype conversations but after you try to put yourself into the right light here we go. Exactly this kind of people i dont even want to play with.
  16. and another lie. Even abu ( yes we are hateing each other) told me how you trashtalked me inmid of the season. Well yes, dionysus. I remember also how i played with you and funkabitz 3s against abu and absolutezero. I also remember how you raged at funkabitz / putinlock like a little kid. You always try to put you into the right light but people who actually have a brain or just realised what a kid you are won't belive you anymore. Best examples are chiv and zanked who just played with you and realised what you are.
  17. about you i dont even care by far anymore. I hate people who shittalk behind my back. That was also the reason why i ditched you. I'm not that guy who just play with people because they are good at the game/gods at the game w/e. I prefer people who are not deceitful. That's also a reason why i mainly play with baz and laser. Have your own opinion i'm not mad, but shittalking behind someones back is just disgusting. And if you want to tell me now how many people i shittalked, keep in mind that i don't even play with them as you did it with me. And dionysus, even from chiv & zanked you got rekd now ... When you will understand it ? i guess chiv brought it to the point with his post but nvm you will just ignore it
  18. we know that already. But i'm also just a human and give ppl a 2nd chance :D same with him, we had disputes.
  19. He's doing that with everyone since he need confirmation from everyone. It's nice how i can waste ~ 30 min of dionysus RL time by doing nothing. Didn't know that trolling someone could be that easy :)
  20. didn't read sorry. You are still a joke deal with it. But i actually like it how you try to get my attention by makeing a huge post who is only dedicated for me. Ty
  21. And you will be the reason why warriors will only hit 20k with bleeds in their burst ? fml
  22. why are you always telling us check after the update ? are you juster on a second account or what ? lel
  23. Noneedholy


    Hey ho don't close this thread please ... just give us 1 thread where we can post abit shit. ty
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