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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. is that an excuse for that you stuck on 1.5 or what ?
  2. Just no. Played PTR for like 1-2 years and it wasn't boring at all Lol
  3. it's so disgusting how everyone still abuse it .. literally EVERYONE
  4. well ye
  5. hmm i was thinking about a wow version for my pocket calculator ... is it possible ? meh ?
  6. Also the absorb shouldnt be affected by pvp power in my opinion. Only the necrotic strike DMG. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/7004453720 http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1472661-Does-Battle-Farigue-PvP-Power-affect-Necrotic-Strike-debuff http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1472661-Does-Battle-Farigue-PvP-Power-affect-Necrotic-Strike-debuff So in my opinion it also make sense. PvP power only increase your DMG, not the absorb. But as i said, im not sure, thats just a suggestion.
  7. __UPDATE__ I did some tests and also searched on google for like 1 hour now. What i can say it : Necrotic isn't affected by Mastery Not on pandawow and it wasn't also on retail. So do that calculation again and you will see that necrotic hits WAY harder than it should. i did it for you btw, and the absorb should be 9133,15 The other thing im not sure about is PvP power. I see no reason why PvP power ( which only increase DMG and HEAL ) affect with an absorb. Also i found like 5 threads where people say that it wasn't affected by PvP power back in Mop. But yes hope someone can do some more tests because im abit busy and ive to go afk now :D But thats what i actually found out, hope someone can work with it
  8. cool, and you have no idea about that game. edit : gonna test it now by myself.
  9. http://www.twitch.tv/sazzieu/v/19593801 working as intended. Look at the cyclone btw http://i.imgur.com/st4Fa8h.gif tbh i didnt excpect to have SR up but ye look by urself i clearly got outplayed don't tell that some1
  10. rip hehe. Hioshiru is still a mod guys PogChamp
  11. uhhhh shots fired lel Forumban inc
  12. lel ... well done, now i can switch to alliance with all of my toons LOL
  13. are you fucking kidding ? i said If you have no clue about what you are talking, be quiet ! Oh ofc you want a proof now ... http://www.arenamate.net/representation-graphs/archive/s15#charts_specs WOW ! 5% Dk's above 2.2k cr the whole s15, they must be REALLY OP ! There were even more paladins xD but okay they were "op" nice try mate Some dk's managed it to get on highrating doesnt mean the class is op. Also if you get stomped by dk's as 1.5 player it doesnt mean that they are op. For example livin, the only firemage above 2.4 was 3.1 and why ? he played his fireplay to the perfection thats all. You could play every class at highrating ofc but you had to play it perfectly than.
  14. i said that like 10 posts ago, i dont expect anything from people who call specs like "feral" OP. That just proves me their clueless from the game. 3.2+ on fun was last s. R1 (noone cares about the wintrader off-season) 2.5k is nothing .... For example baz ? The only mage who played above 2.5 last season (and that even on 3.2) Or you want to tell me that firemage is op also ? Rofl in arena i meet like 10x more dk's than ferals. And if i meet a feral i just destroy him doesnt matther on which class im playing atm. 190k soul reaper ticks are too high yes. As i said if you would have played RETAIL dk you would have know that you needed actually skill to be highrated in 3s. Here you just gonna shreck everything as shadowcleave. (If you want to belive it or not, shadowcleave wasnt representative at all. Only few highrated ones who just played good. Yes on retail in s15, DK wasnt a good class at all ( Compared to other melees like war & ww monks) Belive it or not but i dont expect anything from you. If you actually never played retail just dont talk here. Calling ferals op make you look ridiculous
  15. Yes because some DK player need to change the subject. Someone already tested deathcoil / necrotic again ? would like to hear new updates :3 uraganuu you could take a look or ?
  16. thanks. Tbh if i play on my war i still outdamage ferals with pve trinkets ;D Not even with a PvE trinket it's a challange to beat a feral. But i guess the dk player here can never accept that. First time they hit 2.2 and they can't belive that it's just their class who is bugged as fck. Overall i guess useless to discuss.
  17. lol .. thats fucking broken m8 ... Deathcoil shouldn't hit that much by far. Every other bug you listed is by far not that much important as a DK who just stomps you in 2 minutes cuz of his huge dmg. And yes as i said, 80k deathcoil : ROFL
  18. 86k is by far not the max here .. but even that is op .... im getting constantly 80k + necrotics and with proccs 100k + and ^ that is broken as fuck. I would also like to know why im getting 100-20% in like 2-3 seconds against a dk .. thats so weird, they are supposed to kill you slowly not oneshotting in their burst. It's a unholy DK not a frost dk in s12 (or was it s11 ? cant remember exactly )
  19. idk for me it procs as it should
  20. 86k absorb ? Holy shit mate your doing something EXTREMLY wrong.
  21. dispel necrotic strike ... my .... brain ... hurts...
  22. The amount of the stats that you get are wrong.
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