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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. i get like 40k agility on my rogue with the pve trinket rofl. Thats broken af
  2. ^ Best player. I heard its raou in the video. not sure tho
  3. this. idk i heard he is bad http://i.imgur.com/st4Fa8h.gif
  4. why noneed ? Im not that guy LAWL
  5. lol you got it mate
  6. topkek This thread is going to explode soon. gonna lean back and read abit brb
  7. is it possible to get "play with a pro" by jugalo and raou ?
  8. Why does he even try to justify hisself ? everyone knows hes wintradeing rofl
  9. ^ that is raou btw. Dont try to justify urself dude ! look at my video hehe
  10. ITS ALL ABOUT SKILL ! NOONE IS WINTRADEING ! KEEP THAT IN MIND! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goIDO_BrgfQ&feature=youtu.be #CAUGHT
  11. damn son. that feeling when a wintrader made a joke about hisself
  12. i had to laugh my ass off when i saw that xD
  13. https://gyazo.com/8545772c15f7dac1928713b42a0af45b no that wasnt enough LOL https://gyazo.com/17351adc2f2bdf7481d73c4892542e84 Is that real or just a dream ?
  14. .... WEIRD
  15. ye ofc, im doing tons of acounts to thanks myself xD
  16. well learned to simply don't care on Pandawow rofl. #unmod hio
  17. leave that server. Thanks
  18. maybe. ... but i hope not lol
  19. abusing mod powers + wintradeing as staff member. Lol great. Ah and also dont forget about the alt f4 abuse.
  20. 1. Hioshiru 2. fun 3. look at the screenshot, i insulted noone. Calling someone "bad" isnt an insult Rofl. I got a mute for 300 minutes. 4. http://imgur.com/I3CWNcw http://imgur.com/OWHU6L1 5. Here pandawow you have your prove ! reporting for completly sensless reasons. Calling a player bad is by FAR not an insult. Sorry but this is ridiculous :D
  21. thahaha i can imageine how hes bragging about 100-0 now xD
  22. Reset everything and start a new season. Thanks. inb4 PLEASE fix mmr lawl
  23. - jaime 5.4 ele guide. But ye i remember that as ele you went on haste
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