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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. does it matther ? good boomkins gonna play with that glyph anyways lol Even now when i play mage + bk with laserpewpew we take the glyph because i dont want to risk that poly brake randomly
  2. Hmmm i feel like 3s atm is more like rsham + lock + X Doesnt matther what you put in for " X " you will win the game so go on, get a lock and go for r1
  3. Juster told me in a private message that he sended this report to the devs. Let see what happen :)
  4. LMFAO http://i.imgur.com/rlfYxNj.gifhttp://i.imgur.com/rlfYxNj.gifhttp://i.imgur.com/rlfYxNj.gif http://i.imgur.com/rlfYxNj.gifhttp://i.imgur.com/rlfYxNj.gifhttp://i.imgur.com/rlfYxNj.gif http://i.imgur.com/rlfYxNj.gifhttp://i.imgur.com/rlfYxNj.gifhttp://i.imgur.com/rlfYxNj.gif
  5. ofc let's do it tomorrow than You have abit knowledge about lock ?
  6. As alot of you guys know, warlock is bugged as fuck. I just want to look for someone who want to help me tomorrow. As i saw on different Mop servers, the haste from lock is bugged there. So it might be the problem here. Also want to test every important spell. Just write it in the comments thanks :) tomorrow at like 5-6 pm I'm not the "pro" warlock to say that just in the beggining so please, im just looking for someone who has abit lock xp
  7. nice joke kek. You are Kroz this QQ ele ? roflmao
  8. money reward this time http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=151047 http://i.imgur.com/rlfYxNj.gif
  9. oh rdruid dk look :D ok sorry i won't talk anymore about his interface. just 1 question : can you play something else except rdruid + dk ? jk
  10. Ursoc worked the last weeks fine but since few days it's not working anymore in arena. In a duel its still working. 1. Might of Ursoc 2. As soon as you go out of bear form you loose all your Hp that you gained from ursoc. 3. The hp buff should stay even outside of form until the buff fade off. 4. 14.10.2015 5. x100 / fun 6. 8/10 as resto druid - our biggest deff cd isn't working anymore. You literally die instantly when you go out of ursoc. 10/10 for balance druids. It makes them completly unplayable on highrating in 2s and 3s . I reopen this thread because it's still bugged after your server restart today.
  11. In the morning my ms was fine but look now ---> another server ---> https://gyazo.com/f618b9a9f4d565e5e7702e7747f83099 pandawow --> https://gyazo.com/38cd234413880b8ba65ce0d7e96bd9f3 now ive 1148 ms again .... weird https://gyazo.com/f1e533d45705ddb343f5582a461c0824 i did both screenshots at the same time btw.
  12. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=154465&highlight=reset here we go
  13. New informations @juster ?
  14. that rage
  15. server restarting so often ... are there planned some considerable fixes :O ?
  16. it never does without the glyph. And if you face a rdruid with that glyph and loose against him... not my fault lel
  17. yes i saw it yesterday. Played against shadowcleave ( lock + dk ololololol) in 3s. As it isnt op enough, i just had to ursoc against dk yolo burst + darksoul godlock burst. So i used ursoc at 20% hp ---> 40% hp go out of bear ---> 5% hp. I had a Huge 4Head face after i died 2 times because of that.
  18. Ursoc worked the last weeks fine but since few days it's not working anymore in arena. In a duel its still working. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=105737/might-of-ursoc 2. As soon as you go out of bear form you loose all your Hp that you gained from ursoc. 3. The hp buff should stay even outside of form until the buff fade off. 4. 14.10.2015 5. x100 / fun 6. 8/10 as resto druid - our biggest deff cd isn't working anymore. You literally die instantly when you go out of ursoc. 10/10 for balance druids. It makes them completly unplayable on highrating in 2s and 3s .
  19. Ok the problem solved over night ... Ive 27 ms now so it seems to be fine, anyways thanks for the help, thread can be closed :3
  20. usually 27 ms like i had it everyday on pandawow. now 200 +
  21. Sooooo i've a huge problem. Today i played some 3s on my war "Allahuakbarz" and after like 10 games i just lagged while we were in que and couldn't log back in. After i restarted my Computer i logged in and saw that i've constantly 250 + ms. On other server (which i don't want to mention) i get ~27 ms. I usually had that on pandawow aswell. My internet is good and theres no issue with that. As i said it's only on pandawow so something must be wrong with my client. Yes i already deleted the two cache folders and deactivated every addon. http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/4745694022 Would be nice if someone have some ideas :D regards
  22. you have autism ? I mean you can't be srs
  23. Than do your job good and stop muting people for fucking random reasons. It seems for me that some mods here just mute people because they want to get a reward or something Sorry dude but you disgusts me . Hioshiru². "Fucking lost" isn't an obscene speech but ye why im even discussing with you. I'm not mad, i also never got muted from one of your guys or w/e but thats only because i don't even want to write something in the /world or /english chat. Senseless if you get instantly muted. It just make me sad how some mods acting like.
  24. Wow im still wondering why noone reported it already lol :D This is not a bug which makes mages betther than they already are but it makes mage vs. mage way easier. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=30455/ice-lance 2. If the enemy mage uses Icelance ( doesnt matther if he has a proc or not ) on you while YOU have http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=112965/fingers-of-frost up, the proccs just disappear. 3. The mages Icelance shouldn't consume the finger of frost procc from the enemy mage. 4. 13.10.2015 5. fun (idk about x100 but i think its same there) 6. 5/10
  25. thats not even 1/10
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