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  1. 1. Cyclone vs combat 2. When you got cloned melee attacks get you in combat,but ranged attacks dont. 3. Every attack should get you in combat when you are cloned. 4. 06/09/2019 5. xcross/fun 6. 10/10 cuz rogs can restealth after every clone.
  2. Yeah it should only work only for pets. For example hunter pets,gargoyle etc. Psyfiend is not considered as a pet,also lightwell works as a "totem".
  3. 1. Leap of Faith 2. Tooltip: You pull the spirit of the friendly party or raid target to you, instantly moving them directly in front of you. Now you can grip psyfiend and lightwells too. 3. Tooltip says everything,you shouldnt grip fiends and lightwells.Youve never been able to grip lightwell in older patches . 4. 06/05/2019 5. xCross 6. 5/10
  4. https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1333992-5-4-efflorescence-SotF-fix
  5. yeah i saw too people abuse it ,they just proc sotf and they just wait till expires lol
  6. 1. https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=110744/divine-star 2. You get From Darkness, Comes Light from it (instant flash heals) 3. You shouldnt get instant flash heals from it . 4. 02/17/2019 5. xFun/xCross 6. 10/10 Proof: 6:31 13:47 1:48 2:11 2:26 3:37 4:01 4:28 4:45 5:47 6:13 6:50 7:50 8:13 8:34 8:51 9:06 9:34 1:17 2:12 3:12 4:18 6:15 3:23 4:14 4:43 (flash heal proc) 5:04 (renew proc) 5:27 5:56 6:14 6:31 6:49 7:15 7:30 8:20 8:40 9:15 10:17 11:30 11:48 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_E1WXQ7liQ 0:52 2:30 3:19 4:15 6:38 6:54 7:15 9:05 9:34 1:26 1:59 2:31 3:16 4:00 4:32 5:12 6:25 6:58 8:03 8:42 11:51 12:26 0:59 1:24 1:52 2:33 3:05 2:40 5:05 5:33 8:43 71 occurance x2 thats 142 if we count on when the star comes back. 0 procs from 142 occurance. https://wow.gamepedia.com/index.php?title=From_Darkness,_Comes_Light&oldid=3227894 I cannot see divine star here no wonder why. If you have videos where it procs or more information feel free to share.
  7. Realm tested - x100/fun Date tested - 02/17/2019 Description - If you use soul of the forest and you use Faerie Fire / Faerie Swarm afterwards it should consume soul of the forest.(gcd reduce) How it should work - Faerie Fire / Faerie Swarm should consume soul of the forest. Priority - 6/10 Proof - (On left side you can see what spells he used,no description need)
  8. funkstar


    dead since 2015
  9. Minpojke and Absolutezero bugged comp pff kappa
  10. Druid: Minpojke Dk : Absolutezero
  11. i farmed abu without any problem :D
  12. off topic but idc . Well i quit long time ago ,but reading the forum and i see noneed is still ddosin'. Well he ddos'd me too he ddos'd others too who actually better than him. Here is a proof of his stream : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IynrTfEAGHU . Next time you should hide your chat. "Prepare the booster for kiwii" Laughin so hard. one word : JOKE .
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