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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. Noneedholy

    buff stacking

  2. russian mod ? http://img06.deviantart.net/b308/i/2015/136/c/c/pjsalt_by_meowwwwwww-d8tnfun.png
  3. sad but true :cry:
  4. wat is engrish
  5. Is this alex ? if yes i see a 2.3 wod rsham ? hehehehe retard
  6. my day ... hmm how to say that ... If you think a server cant be worse than pandawow --> look retail LOL http://www.twitch.tv/sazzieu/c/7047486 This ... is ... idk after 1 month they still dont care about the sap bug xD
  7. Hi im Markzxy and a 1.7 pandawow xp'd warrior and resto druid / hpriest. Streaming mostly 2s just to proof my skill because im too bad for 3s. Played abit on pandawow before on 1.7 and im very proud of it. As soon as i gonna stream some shit on retail / pwow i gonna post that in here. http://www.twitch.tv/sazzieu --> online right now ! 1 hour playing warrior and already 1.6 #sogood 2s with /2 rnds to practise abit
  8. haha hiding ur name :D ofc after you blamed half of this server. yeee well what to say... cunts this server became soooo bad .. ye i say became... i mean even last season there were some ppl without personality disorders. Now everyone is going full retard thaha who gives a damn
  9. so this is a stupid video thread ? k than https://www.facebook.com/matteopokerdj/videos/10153171931724915/
  10. nop. MW heals are bugged as fuck. MW isnt supposed to 10-100% you in 1 global. This is retarded and i dont want to mention the orb healing ;)
  11. nop, alock should always outdamage a warrior unless the lock is shit. Im pretty sure on your screenshot the RMP trained the lock. or at least spam ccd him if they went on the healer. And still doing the most dmg. But ye you cant say "a warrior cant outdamage a lock" bcuz maybe your lock is shit :)
  12. hihi his warrior is missing 3 pieces :D and 3 mio. less dmg only cuz of 3 pieces ? naaah :D
  13. pandawow dont care. (inb4 ban)
  14. People must rly think i give a fuck about you guys mhm ? Played some games yday for fun with cogu (don't forget to look on the chat) trashtalker 1 #tangodown http://i.imgur.com/3265Alj.png Федямортал you did nice dmg btw !!! Trashtalker 2 #tangodown http://i.imgur.com/MdqPaHv.png after russian rage as we all know it http://i.imgur.com/x7GlZWc.png look as i said, someone beat you : scripter / abuser etc. trash community as always ... nah not proud at all to beat you trash, just want to make your mouth to shush now Don't tell me smth about 2s now btw. If you are bad in 2s you are even worse in 3s
  15. #abusing http://www.twitch.tv/sazzieu --> some 2s with rnd ppl :3 retail shit yeye ill do my own later
  16. dont try it ... man trust me they don't want to understand it .. or they just cant
  17. well ye ofc i blamed like 90% of this server with my comment now but tbh i dont give a fuck. Yep im not abusing and also 90% of this server is just bad and bragging about beeing on 2.5 or w/e. Trash people will always be trash. But the difference to retail is that at least there people try to become betther instead of complaining about abusing and bugs. Belive me or just stay shit. If you lost to me and think im abusing ur just bad sorry.
  18. there are 2 options, Your parents raped you or they hit you even harder in the past. But well Ofc you are a russian what should i expect. Fact is that 90% of the russians here are huge kids i mean look what you wrote, completly nonsense. Not even proper english just NOTHING. not sure if ur trolling or srs. go back to the elementary school faggot.
  19. i bet its him lol ... Fedymortal is just trash. Ofc we farmed his WMS as fire wms and right after 5 min when he was afk for 5 minutes he did insane more dmg ( lol he did close to mine now kek ) Before he just struggled around cuz hes simply trash. People who spectatet whispered me also after that he is hitting like a fcking rogue with daggers now. No ofc no gcd hack. But ye gcd hack is going around and i saw this kind of a hack already by a friend who bought a MW who already had macros who activated a gcd hack (sounds like a joke but its true, report etc. already sended to furmetal and juster. Guess what, the MW had a russian name :) ). Just to say a typical russian abuser kid. Nothing else. You won't find a decent war in 3s here. All they can do is charge reck wave. Actually the only war i fought against who acted like he has a brain was aquavit Point of this thread ? I guess he wants to pillory the abuser trashtalk kids I'm fine with the idea since alot of ppl have the chance to shit on them in public now. @all russians who try to speak english here: Learn proper english before you call people stupid or whatever. When i read comments from people like normxx or veynnzy i just have to laugh. Calling other people stupid but can't even speak the universal language ? And don't tell me that this is a russian forum because this is the english section for people who are educated enough to speak another language as their mother language. This community .. rofl never seen a worse
  20. interesting .. 3k rogue trinketed my fear and died in 1 minute in a full reck shockwave .. gg dog abuser
  21. Noneedholy


    For fuck sake this is the english section from the forum so go ahead into your russian section.. stupid kids
  22. Noneedholy


    hello ? you have the russian section for that.
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