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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. maybe fix ? )))))))))))))) no but honestly that is most gamebraking atm
  2. probably so. But i would have not written that if i couldtn deal with a ban or smth.
  3. hope u know that u always use pom pyro ye ? nvm done discussing this is gonna be broing, playing with a frostmage now so be happy its gonna be even easier for me now ...
  4. Noneedholy

    Bleeds on war

    rofl that isnt even a bugreport xD also i never do 70k bleeds. teach me please i do something wrong. My max crit was smth like 45k
  5. Try Black desert dude
  6. 1. Atimihcab 2. http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=59188 3. also 4. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=162098&page=5&p=994619 already did a screenshot in the case he delete it. http://imgur.com/sz5Xfbm 5. He already got banned for insulting in the forums. Also he insulted in other threads also like here : http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=161856&page=2 This guy is a huge kid and even with 1 comment he break like 5 rules. thanks in advance
  7. ^ ouch ... that engrish ^ down syndrome or just Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ? tell me
  8. war guide prob. soon
  9. really ? I was r1 with half tyrannical gear lel. Honestly Pandawow is way more competitive on highrating. As i said i did 2 seasons r1 now on warmane, you can't compare that. Anyways if ur used to warmane queues, you will have fun on pandawow ;)
  10. i played on dogmane trust me .. its worth to move on to pandawow
  11. Guys a "overkill" isnt affected by resillence as i guess. I also get 180k explosive shots if i look on "overkill" it's not affected by resillence as i think. Well last time when my mage got killed he got a 95k explosive shot (70k overkill ) I mean yeah explosive is op af here but not even than 180k would be possible.
  12. Mage - dartmeganz Rogue - dartmeganz Paladin - dartmeganz Hunter - dartmeganz Shaman - dartmeganz Monk - dartmeganz Druid - dartmeganz Warlock - dartmeganz Warrior - dartmeganz DK - dartmeganz Priest - ofc dartmeganz in love
  13. Noneedholy


    No you got rekt in the opener because you are this kind of trash shamans who tremmor a 2 sec fear for hisself /lol'd
  14. Noneedholy


    dont forget the screenshots where you got rekt 4 times in a row and after 2 times against my destro MLD in the opener :3
  15. ^^ ^ ^ ^
  16. /push omg
  17. wow uragunuu best mod whos QQing and shittalking around here. If you would have readed my last 129308902138912738123 comments to this picture i dont need to explain that again. BUT for retards who STILL dont understand it here last time i gonna post it : source: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=135126&page=4&highlight=reck+banner for fuck sake atleast read my comments and stop posting more shit in here uragunuu thanks pce. God im so tired of explaining that all the time again. People like you who call someone abuser because of one screen rofl. Nvm i explained it and maybe its just hard for you to comprehend but anyways i dont give a single shit. Playing with a frostmage in 2s now and spit on everyone who said we only got rating because fire was bugged. I am 3k mmr as frostmage rdruid and its easy as fuck also OP as fuck. Still wondering what will come next here :)
  18. that pretty much explains it. Also its a proof idk why ppl still deny that
  19. well i just want to get a date actually
  20. ^ honestly on warmane ppl are even worse than on pandawow .. iwas last s. r1 in every bracket trust me man .. r1 on warmane is like 2.6 on panda xD @Awbeex when you que 3s ?
  21. ^ __
  22. When you will que 3s awebeex ? Q&A please.
  23. yes both combs are op on that server. lel. Beside of that yeah i have only 1 rank one title on x100. FeelsBadMan but i dont give a shit. Just stop trashtalking and tell us when you want to que. We only want a simple answer on that question.
  24. oh look someone is scared. I spammqueued into every wls with baz or with my destro lock. I dont give a fuck. That is not an excuse m8 beside of that WMS is OP also on this server here.
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