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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. Noneedholy


    lol ? Can't remember that i ever played against you dog... please m8 stop lying
  2. it's not his fault, his parents raped him.
  3. Noneedholy


    you have a excuse for everything y ?
  4. Noneedholy


    329-46 well ye nice stats lmfao ... i mean how can people spamque into 1.5 teams .. doesnt matther what you play, your main hunter who is above 2.2 is survivale so shush. As i said before, noone who is even decent in 3s is queueing atm.
  5. Noneedholy


    nop your the random =) You really think ur that good ? man almost noone who has clue about that game is playing pandawow atm ... they all left for RL / retail or w/e. You are playing a bugged beastcleave with 200k random elemental blasts ( ye ik how enhance is bugged ) also dont want to talk about explosive shot ... You suck at this game and idk why you call everyone random here, you achieved nothing lol ... Send me some screenshots how you beat GOOD people who play a srs comb. (doesnt count if you lost already 20 times to them before)
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CN5KSvNIHTM fuck thats too good xD
  7. 3s rating on pandawow is like : who is tryharding and dodging as best. 330 wins in 3s... nuff said 3.1 retail gg i've the half of your wins, playing a comb that isnt op and im only 100 rating below you (didnt play for 2 weeks now) that is ... nice online on retail atm, add "Noneed#2613" ty jk inb4 "sold account"
  8. Did you know that the bird is the word?
  9. Noneedholy


    And his name is   JO     O      O      o       o      o      。     。    .    .     .     HN CENA!!
  10. ye inb4 2.5+ every bracket in s15 on retail. Idk why you are talking shit in here. Don't even want to know your character name, i bet you are one of this guys who cant get something in 2s AND 3s but still talking shit in here. Lol rip this people who still play active on pandawow :l
  11. http://i.imgur.com/T3FM0C9.png 2.3 and 2k ... lol please man stop writing in here xD Learn to play your class ( which is pretty op on pandawow btw) and than you can maybe win against some teams.
  12. We are all just waiting for http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=38578/the-flag-of-ownership or ?
  13. tryharding resto shaman lock in 2s on Pandawow and complains...Lol man you made my day Good that lock isn't op on pandawow. If you play with a boomkin stop complaining about warriors because you can actually beat them. But i bet you play with a rsham
  14. you must be completly dumb y ? QQ about frost dk's ok. We are not in WoD btw
  15. Where is your point ? I mean i dont understand it at all .. are you crying because you cant que 2s cuz of too many warriors in que ? If yes, deal with it. Your class is not supposed to be good in 2s unless you play with a boomkin.
  16. Noneedholy


    lmfao he is flying high
  17. Noneedholy


    ofc. People like him and dionysus are just "rating horny" and would do everything to get rating on a private server. Sad tho but thats how people act on pandawow. Idk why people still post pictures in here. We all know how its working on this server and that the most people who are playing on highrating are just abuser / wintrader w/e don't want to mention everything. Than there are also people who try to defend them because they want to suck their dick. Trust me akuyama, wintrade 1 time on retail and you will get hated for the rest of your wow carrer. No1 cares about you and no1 even want to suck your dick there. But it's pandawow who cares. People on highrating (if i look into the ladder atm) are mostly abuser and if you are playing a normal / decent comb you are getting called "abuser". This server community is cancer and also a reason why many people leave this server. Think about it and keep playing. Just for example, who like commens like that ? That's completly hilarious and childish. I mean he dont even justify hisself, he just keep talking shit lol. God bless you ! Dear guys try to abuse or Wintrade on retail like that and after that noone will even try to suck ur dick. You will get hated until you change ur name. But we are on Pandawow so who cares, people gonna suck other peoples dick for the hope that they will play with them to get rating rating > rl honestly thats how it works on pandawow
  18. lol good that i play retail and don't have to discuss with dickheads like "iwannadance" anymore xD joefernandes just said it in his stream. keep calling ppl bad after you shrekt them with 120k explosive shots. But fact is you wont even hit 2k on retail. cya buddy
  19. you are .... funny
  20. hey yo ! i gonna abuse ur thread abit xD http://www.twitch.tv/sazzieu --> 2.6 s15 Rdruid doing some 2s Rdruid frostmage ft baz ! Rdruid PoV online on retail atm :3
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