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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. interesting ... another pro warrior .. can you teach me ? lel honestly it's okay to tell ur own opinion but ffs stop lie... idk why you have to lie only to increase your credibility nvm b2t Hex is like priest fear or warrior fear. It breaks after like 6-10% dmg ( idk which is the exactly value) But by far not on the first hit ... Lol no LSD/WLS/LSD2 shaman would ever be able to Hex if your report were true wowwiki : hope all questions are cleared :) source: http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Hex
  2. dont blame furmetal. This dog has to sell oranges cuz he needs to pay his booter (and ofc to feed his family also)
  3. oh yeah, literally every monk is abusing that atm
  4. i play literally everything. Even with a destro lock. Funny actually that u complain about warriors while u play TSG by urself ??? #logic :(
  5. haha he got banned #staymad
  6. Atimihcab and pujo are friends ... HAHAHAHAH I LOST MY THINGS this is golden shit
  7. http://i.imgur.com/BSEKdzO.jpg
  8. 3 other comments from this faggots incoming soon prepare. at least he learned something in the school rhyme isn't that easy
  9. Noneedholy


    idk why you guys still give a fuck about him .. let him post screenshots or whatever... he wont get a title or something i mean hes just a nobody ^^
  10. funny how this guy is writing with 3 different accounts only to confirm hisself. Wow dude ur life must be poor sad dude, sad .... i feel with you bro made my day lol but they keep insulting, they can't deal with that shit #rekt
  11. time to shush
  12. no, doomcryer isnt abusing. Also he snipes kailly with me, its fine :D
  13. tell me your ingame name. also tell me your name ingame wait what ? is he this druid ? Выше this guy who get permanently farmed when he was playing with a hunter against me and dion ? wow such a bad story you suck this guy was asking me 24/7 for arenas hahaha ur so shit dude holy moly xDDD counter explosive shot LMFAOOO hes playing with a hunter and dont even know how hunter works ... i lost my things #pandawowthings i did and rekt you with doomcryer. end of story. Playing rdruid hunter and complain about warriors, you are such a bad player thats all. Hunter is doing 3 times more dmg than on retail with the explosive shot bug right now and you complain about a warrior ? Really ? roflmao
  14. Pretty sure funk was only 2.4 legit max. anyways not a good dk, just playing TSG so who cares. i might sign in later
  15. haha golden shit ty ofc this guys are typical randoms .. tzz no need to talk to them than. Just 1/10 trolls bye
  16. ^ you suck hehe tell me ur ingame name btw Atimihcab, i would stomp people like you even without shockwave is even doing 1 dmg. scrub
  17. nice can you teach me ? still doing no shockwaves above 125k
  18. http://www.twitch.tv/sazzieu drunk session ft. repitch :bye:
  19. Noneedholy

    Bleeds on war

    can you explain it please ? I see a blue geared warrior and alot of russian shit in the combat log. also what does it mean ? roflmao
  20. Noneedholy

    Bleeds on war

    my point was that shockwave isnt doing 75% more dmg. Its doing too much but not 75% you can calculate it by urself ;) also i send u a proof so ye
  21. Noneedholy

    Bleeds on war

    what da lel actually here we see http://www.twitch.tv/bloodxeu/c/4857438 73k wave through barkskin. If this what u said would be true, that would mean we do 155k shockaves on pandawow we don't. my highest crit was 125k I agree that warrior is doing too much dmg here ( like every class here ) but atleast give some examples which are true.
  22. Noneedholy

    Bleeds on war

    thats called MOP WARRIOR also i guess 61k is only possible with avatar and if u loose against a war with avatar, ur just bad
  23. wasnt it fixed ?
  24. procchance is fine it's just that u get proccs from multiple targets which is OP as fuck
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