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  1. Do you happen to have same sort of link for EU ladder?
  2. I really, really hope they get you and you and your friend here gets banned
  3. Using scripts to automatically use spells and abilities with inhuman reaction time Timehazeqt (Warlock) Kondibober (Paladin) Fun As the sentence above says they're using some sort of scripts to use their spells with inhuman speed and also a kickbot. These are my suspicions only and might be wrong but to be honest, playing like that naturally seems impossible. Also I think they're using wpe or something like that because they're killing me through Dispersion https://imgur.com/a/74fED i know thats not the best screenshot but keep an eye on those guys, and anyone who plays 3s here and have faced them knows what I'm talking about. Just check on them playing, thats all I really ask. They should be banned immediately, they are ruining the fun for 3s. 3v3 arenas are already rare(ish) here and guys like them will just decrease the population for 3s...
  4. When are you gonna publish new changelog? I assume you've been fixing stuff. Old changelog is already 3 months old...
  5. I know this is off the topic but what UI-addons you're using?
  6. Rawenyo

    Mark of the Wild

    1. Mark of the Wild 2. It doesn't buff your party members or raid members 3. When you buff yourself and you're in raid group or in a party, all party members should be affected 4. 24.11.2016 5. Fun 6. 5/10
  7. Nope, it was in MoP too. It's the same if you get locked in Holy School you can't Divine Shield.
  8. I see people talking about 2s here, why? It's not even a real bracket. #TwosAreTheNewThrees
  9. Hello Repitchx, I just wanted to thank you for adding my report of Efflorescence in your list!
  10. Nah, the report is not in Russian it won't get fixed
  11. I'm not an expert but I question your way to just spam Haunt on every enemy player. I watched Blizzcon and none of the top locks (Chanimal, Snutz, Thugonomics etc) used Haunt in such a way. Haunt is not just randomly casted. It's a good damage cooldown which should be used while going for a kill or enemy healer sits in CC so you can get ahead in the game and bring pressure. Not saying your way is wrong but I found it weird to use Haunt randomly like that.
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