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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. You just got a 90d ban on every account Ye, who got rekt XD
  2. No lol ... Their damage is just not well scripted.
  3. Wow i thought you don't care ? Didn't you say that ? And now you cry ? Lol, get rekt ... maybe you finally realise now that you should stop being stupid and ignorant.
  4. Noneedholy

    Frost Mage

    Im not raging oh god ... im just saying you are garbage irl and in game. You are worthless ... believe it and thank me for telling you. Oh wait everyone else told you already how stupid you are XD Hows it to get trashtalked in forums and ingame everytime you do something ? Must be sick.
  5. Noneedholy

    Frost Mage

    Shut uuuuup, ur not relevant, no one cares about you amd thats why you will always be trash. Ingame and irl. And now get a job instead of sitting 24/7 in moms basement as a 38y old russian and creating threads. Pujo2
  6. Noneedholy

    Frost Mage

    I used to beat everyone with eccay in 3s, even after the explo shot need. EVEN MAGES ! I think ur just bad diabolique. Garbage hunter,, no wonder no one wants to play with you, you are terrible bad
  7. It shouldnt proc while coming back ... It should just have a chance to proc once it's casted ... normally.
  8. Can we please start fixing 10/10 bugs ? Sorry i won't test this kind of s***, not worth at all my time.
  9. I've fun playing this "broken and bugged" arms spec + outdamaging my mage in 3s + we are winning every game ... something is wrong with me i guess or pewds just plays 2v3 every arena ..hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Cba discussion about that honestly, this is just dumb lol
  10. Yes but you didnt, so stop talking about what you could. Because u N E V E R played retail against a good demo LOL you are dumb idk ... idk how to explain it properly but you just proofed it that you never played retail. Demo is supposed to oneshot with all cds. Nop, we were reporting bugs even before you filthy scrub. Stop making up lies lmao, it's sad. But don't worry, ima find few MW bugs soon :) Funny how every retail player tells me Warrior is balanced and the Private server heroes AkA 3k Pandawow warriors (lel) crying about it. yeah, valid point Kappa plus i hope you know that MS would just do 12,5k dmg instead of 10k because seasoned soldier is 25% right ? lol
  11. Ur 2s heroes shit warrior dont matter at all, gtfo with them they never even touched retail. Outdamaging pewds on my warrior in 3s ?? Wheres ur problem lol i do MORE constant damage. I was 2.8 in 3s and the highest warrior on pandawow (rating wise in 3s) so where am i biased about my class saying that its good as it is right now ? Get a point, stop crying for no reason. I was reporting bugs that made priests better than they are .. OH WAIT ... priest is my main class with which i just got 2.7 on retail OH .... Dude sorry but your arguments are stupid. We look what's really good in the meta atm and if everyone plays it, something is obviously wrong. So we are looking for bugs for certain classes and get them fixed. Noone gives a shit if your xuen or smth doesnt work when we have gamebreaking bugs for Demo locks (you faced them like 20x more in the 3s ladder). Max proofed it that MW is viable in 3s just noone plays it because most of you guys are 2s heroes, thats a fact. Now think about why we dont high prioritize these classes over others. About the warrior "bug", you never played retail... if you did you would know that Warrior right now feels more than Blizzlike back in time. MW war heroes crying it's honestly disgusting.
  12. Stop being so dumb ... See ? I told you that like 10 times already and ur still ignoring me ... so why should i listen to you ?
  13. Did you not read or not understand the last part from my sentence? Also
  14. Someone kill me
  15. Can i say that everyone in this thread who cried about warrior doing no dmg should delete his Game and rather start playing minecraft or something ? I was 3.3 on Warrior, believe me when i tell you that you are utterly garbage if you say that warrior does no damage atm. Disgusting how few people here are just crying because they are getting farmed 24/7 in a non relevant bracket.
  16. Would at least explain why in some videos you can get stopped mid range and in some you can't.
  17. A dk whos crying because warrios is fixed. You are such a weird botter :o
  18. Can you proof he even wear PvP gear + has the 80% resillience ? All i see is 497k hp. Who tells me he has both PvP trinkets ? Please dude lol thx bye =)
  19. Even more. 80% is nothing lol Stop talking nonsense rofl. All the Warmane player are coming to Pandawow atm if you didnt notice ... lol, just lol
  20. It is a l2p issue. Then you are just not good on Warrior if you say the damage is too low.
  21. That's a L2P issue. If you can't play warrior with the current state, you are just terrible. Sounds hard but that's how it is. I do and warrior should not do more constant pressure than it does right now. Maybe MS / slam hits for too low idk but overall the damage is more than fine. Cry somewhere else.
  23. Ddos ? Why his boyfriend - - - Updated - - - Nvm someq explained it properly already
  24. Cant watch the vid atm, what happened
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