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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. You are truely disgusting. Nothing more to add, bye
  2. Don't even try it. He will maybe realise it when his class is fixed lol
  3. So Heisenberg fixed it not properly and now neff told you how it has to be fixed properly right ? Alright.
  4. wasn't it fixed already ? What happened
  5. Oh yeah and let me add that the gm's should please check if Pujo changed his name or not. I didn't want to have it recorded for nothing ...
  6. I think machmollo reported it somewhere ... cant find it atm for some weird reason
  7. I'm sorry, not even as RMD i can 4v3 in 3s lol. Sad enough i beat you as Godcomb many games just because we killed your dk everytime after 1-2 minutes ... only because of that rofl You don't get it do you ? You know as good as me that your class is bugged. You know as good as me that DK is bugged and you even admit it. Still you are getting the most broken comb to que into everyone just because it's finally something where you can beat everyone with, with the current state. Why do you think i'm try to refuse as much as possible to play with dk's in 3s ? Oh yeah, surprise! We are not bitching about you playing this bugged spec, we are bitching about you playing the most bugged spec PLUS taking an advantage out of the DK bug also by just playing with them everytime i see you queing. Hopefully you will finally understand it. 2nd i think if someone is able to complain about anything then it's repitch who did 12390882131203809x more things for this server than you, so if someone able to complain about Bugs than him. If we talk about the english community i might be the 2nd one with the most reports in general ... The people who are actually doing something for the server and trying to find the most bugs are also able to complain about certain classes to interest and convince other people to test & find bugs for certain classes (dk etc) so please stop talking nonsense No i just told you that i won't carry your ass when the season begins that's all because (and thats also what i said) i hate fotm heros. Hmm probably not the right place to tell you that but now you know it already so whatever not a topic anymore =)
  8. Nop, it's mostly mortal cleave splitting 60k's between everyone kek
  9. We were the one who told you that ur class is bugged. All the "not a big deal" comments just show me what a biased sht you are. I at least tried to look for every bug doesnt matter which class (Warrior/druid). You were just happy with the current state of your class oneshotting everyone and even now you can't admit how broken it is so people have to tell you first to check the spell formulars lol. And yeah me and repitch tested alot of shit yday and found new things we could report. It's okay we are the ones fixing your class *kek*. I'm not mad im just happy to see it's fixed and i know how bad you wanted your title and you want it next season but yeah, just letting you know :) Btw stop copying me and pewds please lol ...
  10. The worst thing is your gameplay and the fact that your pet carries your shitty ass. You prob just dont understand your own class i mean we even have to report all the bugs because your game knowledge is non existend. Disgusting dk demo faggot ill snipe your ass as soon as ur shit spec is legit. Hands down i hate fotm cunts ...
  11. ^ Dps meter from the last game against Dk + demo ITS FINE BOYS http://wiki.teamliquid.net/commons/images/c/cb/Totalbiscuit-TANK20130629-220151.jpg
  12. Someone have an idea when server update is ? Cant wait for Spellque to be applied....
  13. Yeah i feel like im playing legion ... super annoying
  14. You are just trying to piss the admin off now. What a bad troll .. but guess who wins, him by deleting your account lol
  15. Can't explain your stupidity really ... i don't get it
  16. I just enjoy your stupidity because they still lose points. Taco
  17. Close it please, wrong report. If you stuck 1-2 times in a GCD it's just because of the spellque bug which is fixed ( not applied yet) the 0,5 sec GCD works fine.
  18. Edited my post. Wrote in ur report ..
  19. Up for our boy Heisenberg or Deadmaus :3
  20. I think that got reportet already ... not sure tho, lets wait for repitch
  21. +1 would love to see that
  22. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=1953/blink & http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=102280/displacer-beast#changelog 2. Sometimes when you blink it seems like that small heights or ramps makes it unable for you to blink and you end up stucking at the same place or only 3-4 meters forward. 3. You should be able to blink up/down ramps etc no matter what. Just not if theres a wall or something like that. 4. since Pandawow exist 5. Cross / World 6. 20/10 it's a huge bug Proofs : Videos from Pandawow:
  23. I don't understand some people ... No offense but 98% here has the wrong gear setup even now on their characters xD Anyways i can't see something wrong in trying to be more like AT since AT doesnt exist anymore and it was successfull as it was successful.
  24. Dear "inmidnight" or should i say Ratbracket Gladiator paladin let me tell you something : ^ You are already puho² :D
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