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  1. Realm x10 Char name of insult idk its russian but name is in picture Reason Insulting [ATTACH=CONFIG]77249[/ATTACH]
  2. I killed 4level higher horde in Tanaris, Now he came with his friends 2 level 90 Warrior and Rogue and farming us , Keeps finding us where ever we go and we cant even release somehow they get to us asap , How much gold does it need to get 5ppl to come there and protect me and my gnome friend? In game Name Rakalakashan
  3. they can cap the flag under 45sec, it passed 3 min so do the math when one is caping other one w8 there and run so they dont lose any its full possible i done it with a tauren holy paladin without any speed buffs even so its not sure he is using hack MONK AND DRUID ... says it all they are so much faster then anyone else ^^
  4. U can see in his action bars the spells are in range for a attack.. but still it says out of range,
  5. Realm x100 Kastet and Akabane Insulting relatives. I explained what happend to my sister and they kalled her a hoe [ATTACH=CONFIG]76771[/ATTACH]
  6. Realm x100 Reason hacking in bg Name Skyleaf [ATTACH=CONFIG]76407[/ATTACH]
  7. Are u sure u dont have a fishingpole equiped ? try to reset ur talents from homesite. make sure u dont have intellect gear or agi , and use str only on paladins, if u do , then ur char is broken, as my low geared paladin does more dmg then u describe and iam sorry for that hope it works sooner or later,
  8. Dunno if its me only then but my crusader strike generates ALLWAYS holy powers wich ever shield i pop as long as i hit them and it does dmg it generate, but thats for me only ?
  9. Iam not sure if its right to do but i doubt Realm: x100 Charname: Beela Abusing? Bug? idk what section that is [ATTACH=CONFIG]76183[/ATTACH]
  10. Iam tryind to download the WOD client but theres no seeds. i tryed to download just the patch and followed exactly dident work. so now i deleted all and trying again and this time theres no seeders so iam stuck without wow .
  11. So ur muting ppl for insulting russians but if a russian insults me calling me a faggot its not a insult ? and u need a translation even that u surely know exaktly what it says. [ATTACH=CONFIG]75731[/ATTACH]
  12. Realm: x100 Name: Marihuan Reason: Insult [ATTACH=CONFIG]75710[/ATTACH]
  13. How hard can it be cuz he makes new accounts all the time and the rest of us cant be using /5 from all filth he spreads, Dont Admins see that he is a sick disturbed person with multiple mentaly disorders that shudent be allowed to join if he acts like he done these past week. If you Admins dosent ban his IP and get rid of his toxic i will file a report to the police IT section for online harrasments and violations, cuz everything is on black and white here theres no one who can see that it isent and if i do you MUST provide me and the police with the IP and ALL logs of him. thats the law in our country cuz this is a private server and not owned by any goverment, Just saying save the workhour and just Delete his access to your site and server, as he giving it a bad reputation when ppl start to talk about how the bans and everything is handled here , i seen sites and servers life ban ppl for less and yet u still let him insult ur paying and voting ppl who is not doing any harm to others.
  14. I NEVER have problem with Roiling Blood I have no prnt screens but it works 100% of the time if i t arget the ones with dot's This is for me working always when iam in blod spec . no glypts used
  15. Charname: Yourfirstdad Realm : x100 Reason: Insulting Towards Ppl and family and nation And Color Scaming and missleading ppl and spam [ATTACH=CONFIG]75563[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]75564[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]75565[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]75566[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]75569[/ATTACH]
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