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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. Может кто мне помощь. Жду answers из администрации проектов
  2. up up up up admins
  3. 1. WTS SURVIVAVE HUNTER FOR ALIANCE Level: 90 Faction: Alliance Race: Human Class: Hunter Gender: Female Gold: 0 Time in game: 2 d. 5 h. 39 m. Guild: The Burning Legion 440 vp with %tax. Nick Deilyxvmp , http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/game/char-3-1150440.html 2. WTS SPRIEST FOR ALIANCE Level: 90 Faction: Alliance Race: Human Class: Priest Gender: Male Gold: 0 Time in game: 1 d. 21 h. 36 m. Guild: club money Nick Honeyfoxyjke , http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/game/char-3-3178519.html
  4. Ryan

    Spirit Shell Bugged

    Close, was FIXED!
  5. Do you can proove it? (for administration)
  6. All talents priest works.
  7. On my sp priest this glyphs works, fix you character on web-site.
  8. omg, its fun man, play on 100X :)
  9. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=127573 wtf help mee
  10. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=127573
  11. When i buy priest and cmon on him - i see this problems with achv. My armory http://cp.pandawow.ru/armory/char-1-2928430.html I have Kills: 1292, Alchemy: 600/600 Herbalism: 600/600 . Achievements: 300 Game Master pls fixed this. PROOVE Dont subscr this chanel on youtube, becouse this dont my chanel - - - Добавлено - - - you can see my eror on video youtube hostingsz
  12. Ryan

    I think fun should...

    Fun realm with pve GEAR XDDDDDDDDD hard luck man joke
  13. he is scripters , bad bad xD
  14. Translate this guide on English pls :)
  15. Ryan

    Vampiric Embrace

    was fixed , you must fulls in pvp power. ~ 59.12 haste + 30% critical strike = full health :D
  16. Ryan

    Shadow Word: Death

    Close, WAS FIXED!
  17. Ryan

    Power Word: Barrier

    Close , was FIXED
  18. hmmmmmm, gm fixed this spell. if you have problems with this spell you must make glyphs inner snctxz
  19. Ryan

    Most OP classes.

    If you want rush rating in 2v2. Class: AFFLICATION:warlock:, BOOMKIN:druid: RANK ONE FOR RUSH RATING VERY FAST. 2st place ^_^ WW:monk: and A:warrior: its very good comp. I like this comp, becouse in this comp i can ez game with my friends - r1 warriors x10.
  20. Ryan

    Guardian Spirit

    you cant proove it? " Hydramist " :D
  21. if you want challenge mode, you must take cash money and give this money on pandawow community in vote points. When you give money on pandawow, money change in vote point.
  22. Changes on time period from 20.03.2015 to 21.03.2015: - Again fixes to enchants which scaled your power depending on the characters level. - Fixed ICC buffs Strength of Wrynn and Hellscream's Warsong for Worgens, Golbins, Pandarens. - Fixed bug loot system, now players which was not in the raid in the combat with boss cannot take loot from this boss. - Rewritten scripts and creatures for instance http://www.wowhead.com/zone=3789/shadow-labyrinth. - Fixed Нейронные пружины. DONT WORK GIVE 480 INTELECT,STRENGH,AGILITY...... FIX!!!!! - Fixed bug, when in some places after death character was not on a gryphon. - Fixed bug with talent, when players could get two talent from the same tier. - Fixed bug, when players get bonus reputation every time with Dungeon Finder. - All Data Base fixes - quests, creatures, loot - you can be seem in this section http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=224&page=2 (from 17.03.15 and to 21.03.15), with messages from Herald. *These changes are already applied.
  23. 1. Watcmyblinx 2. Fun 3. Bugged with 2 talents on six tire http://s015.radikal.ru/i333/1503/da/1c872bef48a1.jpg http://s018.radikal.ru/i526/1503/bd/ac2c0f054596.jpg
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