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Everything posted by potatoe

  1. Complaining on forums for years that warrior is broken without any proofs is not, I see.
  2. You know, you can calculate warrior's spells in like half an hour, it's the easiest class to test, do that and prove how broken it is. Oh wait, it has be done like 5 times and every spell is fine, you just want a custom nerf like the 25% one so you can win with your class, hilarious.
  3. Nah, the very skilled retail glad QA team said that wars do 25% more dmg than they should pls nerf cause they posted a wowhead link and that is valid proof, no need to do calculations LUL
  4. 152k slam, 59k deep wounds, hope this will be the proof that warrior were never broken and people stop with the whining "omg warr are doin more dmg than on retail"!
  5. potatoe

    Heroic Leap :(

    How is this working as intended? When you heroic leap at a low distance it takes you one year to leap. Nice joke!
  6. 1. Name of the broken spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=7384/overpower 2. Description of the problem: It does lower damage than it should 3. How it must work: It should do the the correct amount of damage 4. Date when you tested it: 17/12/2016 5. Realm (x100/Fun): All reams + cross realm 6. Priority of the problem:10/10 As you can see in the screen-shot it does lower damage than an autoattack, even tho it should do 5% more damage because the tooltip says it does 105% weapon damage. I used a low ilvl mace so we have low variable damage (17 damage) and If you ask why I didn't calculate the damage is because I have no idea how much armor pandawow dummys have. http://i.imgur.com/nEHebYv.jpg
  7. Yea, I would wait for that too :)) If you want 4k you need the gtx 1080
  8. It's kinda easy really, with that money you can get an i7 6700k, a gtx 1070 and 16 gb ram. If you get the gtx 1080 that's more expensive you would have the best gaming rig.
  9. Well, I was wrong about this bug. Mastery worked but it was hidden, only worked for spells that had weapon damage in the formula but auto attacks and spells like deep wounds, thunderclap, shockwave and dragon roar were not increased by it. Now it works for all spells and auto attacks but now it has a bigger bug than before: it only uses your mastery only if if you get enrage all the time ( so you must crit with bloodthirst all the time and you enrage buff should not fall off) otherwise your dmg is increased just by 10%. When you use berserker rage it works fine, and another thing your first bloodthirst and colossus smash crit will always make your enrage increase dmg just by 10%.
  10. Since 80% of healer dps matches end up in dampening, why does it matter dampening starts faster? I guess you like to fuck around for 10 mins for nothing, cause you can't kill shit without dampening.
  11. This is actually the best idea since 80% of the combos here are healer + dps and 80% end up in dampening. Until dampening it's just wasted time... and it's not custom because on retail it is like that atm.
  12. potatoe

    Explosive Shot

    In MoP, Explosive Shot ticks are going to work more like how Piercing Shots works: if you apply another Explosive Shot while an existing Explosive Shot DoT is on the target, the game will add an extra tick like it does now, but then it will add the total DoT damage of the new shot to whatever remains of the old shot, and then divide that entire number by 3 (the number of ticks with the one extra added) and that will be the new damage per tick. Thus no damage is ever lost: (Total damage of new DoT + Total damage left undone from old dot) / (# of ticks + 1) = damage per tick Let’s take a look at an example to illustrate. Let’s say for the sake of easy numbers that our Explosive Shot hits for 100 damage, and then ticks every second for the next two seconds for another 100 damage per tick. Thus our numbers look like this: 0:00: shot lands for 100 damage 0:01: tick for 100 damage 0:02: tick for 100 damage Thus we fire Explosive Shot and we do 300 damage total. Now let’s say Lock & Load procs, and gives us the ability to fire three Explosive Shots in a row. This is what would happen: 0:00: shot lands for 100 damage 0:01: tick for 100 damage and 2nd shot lands for 100 damage. – RECALCULATION: There is one tick left for 100 damage from the first shot, and two ticks for 100 damage each for the second shot. Add it all together for 300 damage; add one tick for 3 ticks. Divide 300 dmg by 3 ticks and we now have 3 ticks to go for 100 damage each. 0:02: tick for 100 damage and 3rd shot lands for 100 damage – RECALCULATION: There are two ticks left for 100 damage each from the last recalc, and two ticks for 100 damage each from the third shot. Add it all together for 400 damage, add back to 3 ticks. Divide 400 dmg by 3 ticks and we’ll now have 3 ticks for 133.33 damage each. 0:03: tick for 133.33 damage 0:04: tick for 133.33 damage 0:05: tick for 133.34 damage Thus we did a total of 900 damage with three Explosive Shots. 300 damage for one, 900 for three — this way even spamming the shot we will never, ever clip a tick. Note that you’ll also never have more than 1 extra tick on your DoT. http://www.warcrafthuntersunion.com/2012/06/explosive-shot-in-mop-cannot-be-clipped/
  13. Excuse me sir, but where is the maximum weapon damage calculation in pvp? Your maxim weapon damage calculation was 93056 on an armorless PvE target , but when you did the maximum pvp calculation you put 73056 instead of 93056, so you put that 73056 just that so you can say slam is bugged and want to be nerfed right?
  14. Dude, a 100% increase means 396% ap coeficient. Why did you just add 100 to the attack power coeficient? It does not make any sense.
  15. You could have just you know... read the tooltip ingame. You can see that 275% weapon damage plus 3427 http://i.imgur.com/00HNAQW.jpg
  16. You do realise that the 1276 base damage scales with attack power right? Did you at least read the tooltip of slam ingame? There is what 2 k damage on the dummy difference in your calculations which is probably caused by the base damage. And the damage in pvp? rofl armor can be bugged, pvp power can be bugged, resil can be bugged, pvp calculations are irrelevant.
  17. Dude just stop ok? It's clearly you don't know what you are doing, the formula on wowhead is the standard formula for all 3 specs, arms gets a 100% increase as you can see in the patch notes. Don't you see that now deep wounds do double the damage you calculated? Or that it does double the damage of fury spec?
  18. MoP Patch 5.2.0 (2013-03-05): Damage has been increased by 100% for Arms Warriors. http://wow.gamepedia.com/Deep_Wounds Maybe read patch notes? Damage is fine.
  19. How can you say it's working when it doesn't, it's AMAZING that there are so many warriors on both servers, most of the fury warriors are doing pve and they don't know how this spec should work. Also I think the english forums are a waste of time, devs never reply on english bug reports so the only hope is that somebody make this bug report in russian and post it on russian forum.
  20. You are wasting your time, they don't even read the english forums, there are game breaking bugs like absorbs not being reduced by dampening or battle fatigue, fury warrior mastery that doesn't work at all, but yea they only fix the russian bug reports. The server is so poorly managed, they don't have a priority list of bugs, they fix random bugs and the game breaking ones are there for years.
  21. Yes it's reported, but no dev answered why this game breaking bug that ruins pvp is not fixed after such a long time, what is the reason !?
  22. This is the most game breaking thing in the game and it's still not fixed after a year of 5.4.8 I don't get it, you fix talents, spells changelog after changelog but you don't fix this, you have disc priests doing 150k+ shields at 99% dampening making pvp a joke... It's not only priests who abuse this bug, there are many classes that have absorption shields.
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