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Everything posted by banhammer

  1. i just come here for the drama. It's really entertaining tbh, watching 40y/o's rage on the forums of a russian private server about gameplay bugs and abusers. It's gold i tell you.
  2. How do you guys still play here.
  3. LoL fangays can't even distinguish sarcasm. So sad.
  4. Doto best gaem. League of lesbians sux
  5. banhammer


    Omg mages are bugged on a private server that's only active in 2v2. Endless qq. I'm not even kidding if some of you wimps actually did something useful with the time you spend whining on these forums you wouldve made enough money to play retail forever. But no instead ima show how big mah nuts are by trashtalking on russian wow forums. Some people are hopeless.
  6. I haven't logged into pandawow for 6 months now. I still come here for the drama tho. Too entertaining to miss. Just thought you'd all want to know. - - - Updated - - -
  7. banhammer


    You forgot to mention that nobody played enhance before the windfury enchant got fixed. (even tho now it's mostly 1.5k noobs who like to see big numbers and randomly burst in the opener before forcing any defensive cd)
  8. Lol. That fenris rage tho. Why are you trying so hard to defend yourself. If youre not furmetal you shouldnt be giving two shits. Now stop making a fool out of yourself kthnxbye.
  9. exactly.
  10. Ah, here we go again, necro strike drama. I don't know why you guys keep trying. I've been on this server for a year now and ever since i've started playing here there have been necro strike reports. It never got fixed so far. I would've probably given up by now. This server doesn't even work on fixes, it buys them from independent developers and applies them. I'm pretty sure they have the fix for the necro strike, but they just don't want to apply it because some admin or gm plays a dk at high rating to compensate for his lack of ... how to put it ... you know, same thing as when guys buy huge trucks and stuff like that. So yeah props to you for reporting once more. But let's face the facts, it's never getting fixed.
  11. Try harder mate.
  12. sorry, what i previously wrote was wrong. Sahn Tidehunter does spawn, just not where you'd expect him to. His spawn point isn't the one you'll find on wowhead. I think the one on wowhead is the one where he spawns in 5.4.8 ( after the vale transformation ). But in pandawow sahn still spawns pre 5.4.8 location. I used to have an addon that gives an alert whenever you fly above a rare spawn. I just flew around in the vale and found him by chance. If i remember right he's more south, southwest of where he should be according to wowhead.
  13. Gotta love purging.
  14. lololol seems you can manage all the hard comps. Is that why i kept farming you with enhance/hpall when wf was still bugged ? Simmer down a bit rofl.
  15. Still. Bugged. Just tested on x100, again.
  16. Just tested it on x100, still bugged.
  17. have to disagree, i was able to go up till 2550 with a hpal on x10 (while facing abusing dk's with the broken parry chance back then). It's viable, but it shines in 3's. Hopefully when they fix traps i'll be able to find myself a beastcleave comp. Have to agree with repitch tho, not to brag but ive spent a lot of time on alts on either x100 or fun back when arena spectator worked. And i haven't seen any decent players. Idk i'm really hopeful after the windfury fixes.
  18. Enhance shammies get no love :( atleast they acknowledge dks.
  19. Thanks for fixing this juster. Should we wait for pandawow to reach legion for you to look into this ? Oh wait. Wod doesn't have weapon enchants anymore, so you're waiting for that aren't you. Don't go answering furmetal's thread saying everything's getting fixed when this has been bugged since 5.4.2
  20. wth even transmogs dont work anymore ? Sigh, it's funny how the devs are in denial about the server going down a slope.
  21. I know right ? As if everything is gonna go according to plan rofl. 2k6 rouge yeah.
  23. It's clearly pointless to argue over anything with you. Have a nice day
  24. Sure other classes are also bugged af. But should i point out how much work is put into fixing mages/rogues/monks ? When was the last time you saw an enhancement spell getting fixed. Ive been playing warr/enhance since tbc. And i enjoy the mop enhancement playstyle. Why should i go play another class in the meantime when the windfury issue is so easy to fix. And fire elementals have the same mechanics as xuen who got fixed recently ? I agree that other classes are bugged too. But it's been too long since enhance shammies got some love. Maybe then we could get a bit more competitive - - - Updated - - - Last season i got stuck at 2.45 k on x10 playing enhance hpal simply because of the sheer amount of dk resto/rdudu comps in the high brackets. I'm not saying that 2v2 is an eligible pvp scene. But if it was that hard for me to go up when facing a dk dudu. How will i fare in 3's vs a tsg. It might seem minor for you, but parrying that much makes us useless vs classes with high parry. - - - Updated - - - And the fire elemental totem has been reported ever since 5.4.2, so was the windfury. Get you facts straights
  25. You're funny. Shamans have 4 bugs and 2 of them are massive. You want me to play enhance with a screwed up windfury proc rate ? Lol thats like playing dk's with 2 runes instead of 6. And fire elemental is a huge part of our damage dealing. Don't try and turn this into a minor thing because it isnt.
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