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Everything posted by ReportingINCrofl

  1. I remember the admins saying something about releasing it at summer or end of this month.
  2. I can try to give you my Client and see if mine can do any help, get me on skype. AlexHH9101
  3. Really isn't fun versing classes that are UNBALANCED. such as fear classes and familiar to that. Fear / Poly / Sap / Blind Doesn't break on first attack. Mostly breaks on 4th or 5th attack. and 2 or 3 castable spells. that's kinda game breaking. If the classes were balanced. There would be more fair games. Versing a comb like DML is kinda lame. Game breaking cc's ... they should fix classes before people Q for 3's / 5's
  4. Kinda annoying when some low player on bg deals some small dmg's and the ward only gives you 1% or 2% .. Also in arena. when they use their lamest ability to just screw ward up..
  5. Just pathetic. Pandawow doesn't have any English normal mod that can take care of ENGLISH community as they should.
  6. Well... Locks can't http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=710/banish them either. Pretty much lame. Seen in retail, locks using http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=710/banish against the psyfiend
  7. Well i've only seen high UA dmg when getting dispelled ( with proc )
  8. For all the people nowadays crying at UA dmg's etc etc... If you actually know what the spell id says you wouldn't even go against what the Mod / Gm said *It's ok* Past days i've been trying to figure out how it's possible to make UA ( Unstable Affliction ) To Crit that high twice in second. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=131735 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=131413 and some other.. Links those links are people that haven't realized or actually tried to understand what UA is as it says in it's tooltip http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=65812/unstable-affliction As it says * In addition, if the Unstable Affliction is dispelled it will cause ???? to ???? Shadow damage to the dispeller and silence them for 4 sec * I've tried to make it happen and SEE myself doing that high dmg, as bergen did. As a monk you can use http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115310/revival Which DISPELLS all magic / harmful for nearby party member ... Which means it will dispell UA too, So for example You're a AFF lock. Your Passive trinket procs / Staff enchant - Jade spirit, And then you Pop your [use] trinket ( Im talking for Human lock ) And Dark soul bla bla bla.. Then you REDot your targets in arena 2v2.. Both of your enemy, you dot both of them. and then The monk or such other healing class that has AOE dispell. Uses REVIVAL or the AOE dispell ability, Priests for example too. Receives dmg, It will crit / non crit all up to 165k or even higher. I've done it myself. I dotted Both of my enemies up with UA and other dots while all my possible procs activated. http://i.imgur.com/tQZElCh.png As you can see on this picture i did 240k in 1 second and saw my enemy healer's hp flew down. Even if you knew this. It's for the people that are surprised such dmg. The player that took SS of bergens UA dmg were obviously in arena versus him, and the monk possibly used Revival. Just wanted to explain abit and show for the possibility of UA DmG.
  9. yup.. Tried to tell them to have some USUAL and NORMAL staff and respect their subscriptions need. Instead banning both of my accounts on forums for *Insult of the project and admin*
  10. Name of the violator: Yíye Realm, where you saw the violation: 10x Description of the violation: He auto attacked me in MID AIR while having ZEN FLIGHT on. Proof: screenshots or video: http://i.imgur.com/7LBJehZ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Vi80xZd.jpg http://i.imgur.com/CLPjUNx.jpg
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