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Takaa. 3

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Takaa. 3 last won the day on February 26 2019

Takaa. 3 had the most liked content!

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Rookie (2/22)

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  1. Tried autokick on duel , got banned for it ? that doesnt change the fact that baaz's name shouldnt be on the list since he usebugged shit forever ? NT
  2. Why people keep adding "baaz" name when he got caught usebuging and wintrading multiple time lol
  3. Dk : takaa dru: zanked sham : alexgey warior :telpin lock: funka pal : megan mage : andrew
  4. farewell
  5. Are people still waiting 10 min for 3v3 arena proc ?
  6. whatsupp
  7. http://imgur.com/dQCGusJ - Telpin - Zanked - MATRAKAS
  8. i just dont get it , reseting title for ppl who played in the past is just illogic as fuck , give title only for 3s in the new season thats all . i played in 3s for get this title , and i waited 10 min over and over and now they want to remove the shit i got ?????? what? is it fair that i get my title removed due to cheater in past seasons??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  9. U are totally retarded because war is the easiest class on mop , also i dont give a fuck about this server i stoped playing month ago , u dont get that lot of r1 player left this server so ur " they are scared to not be able to obtain a title at all anymore ?" is a shit arguement. what im saying is that people who got r1 titles WASTED TIME playing this game , removing them is the shittiest idea .
  10. what a miracle u killed my mw/war as mage / dru , what about me as dk? =D (how to win mw war : play mage and dru and cc monk forever GG #mustbehard)
  11. always random 1.5 talking lot sMH
  12. Nice joke , i played s3 and i got r1 without any cheat or scripts ....
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