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  1. these players, in arenas, spam to produce lag and win [ATTACH=CONFIG]131661[/ATTACH] FUN NAME: Kaneris, Prostizavse
  2. [ATTACH=CONFIG]131459[/ATTACH] Name: Lightsacred Fun, horde this player insults me, he says retarded and subnormal
  3. What have you done with the classes? the shaman and the rogue are too op, you have broken the game. so I do not feel like playing on this server. Rogues? 500k? wtf? it's amazing, you can not play like that. in this version always the warrior and the monk were op, now they are shit. too many differences, this is a joke
  4. Hola, buenas a todos. Dejo aquí un vídeo de pvp, tanto en el fun como en el x100. Sé que es largo, pero merece la pena, por lo menos para compensar mi esfuerzo, es uno de los vídeos en los que más tiempo he invertido. Sólo espero que os guste. Un saludo! [ATTACH=CONFIG]116074[/ATTACH] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-hzaD_JESI&feature=youtu.be
  5. Fun Name: Falsifier Class: Hunter Description: Hack bg
  6. Realm: Fun Faction: Horde Pj: Kyoshinn Class: warrior Place: Bg Wildhammer stronghold Description:This player use hack in bg. This we can verify seeing the damage players. [ATTACH=CONFIG]85259[/ATTACH] FOR A BETTER SERVER FOR ALL
  7. Aryo/Ragorta
  8. Realm: Fun Faction: Alliance Pj: Fuckenproxqt (Class: Monk) and Perring (Class: dk) Place: Arenas Description: These players use hack in all arenas (HIGH RATING). This hack increase the speed so it is impossible to kill the heal monk. I made screenshots at the spectator arena with other players. Arena 1[ATTACH=CONFIG]84229[/ATTACH] We speak in Spanish about the hacker Arena 2[ATTACH=CONFIG]84230[/ATTACH] We speak in Spanish about the hacker [ATTACH=CONFIG]84231[/ATTACH] Other players see the hack Conclusion: Perring (DK = 2109k Rating) Thanks you very much.
  9. Realm: Fun Faction: Horde Pj: Undihunti Class: Hunter Place: Bg draenei ruins Description: This player use hack in bg. we can see that it is flying. [ATTACH=CONFIG]83458[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]83453[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]83456[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]83457[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]83457[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]83458[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]83458[/ATTACH] Thanks you very much
  10. Realm: Fun Faction: Aliance Pj: Katalinee Class: Paladin Guild: Inmortal killers Place: Dalaran arena Description: This player waiting up there, and we can´t fight. He also said he will not be banned. [ATTACH=CONFIG]82710[/ATTACH] 4 min later... [ATTACH=CONFIG]82711[/ATTACH] Thanks you very much.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhREp9iP3eg My warriors pjs: Aryo, Nimtz, Ragort Monje heal Full Severo (Nagruck, Glynch) - Guerrero armas Full Orgulloso (Aryo, Ragort, Nimtz). Server Pandawow 5.4.8 Horda - Guild Warlords of Horde. Tengo que decir que con Nagruck he aprendido muchísimo en arenas ¿pro? sin duda él es lo mas pro que he visto, lo conocí hace 3 años en la facultad de enfermería, y ahí ya llevaba 5 años jugando al wow, había jugado en el oficial y servidores rusos, ahora simplemente es una máquina, como player y sobre todo como persona! Gracias! Nagruck 2.4k en 3vs3 Fumetas/Mewet 2.6k 2c2 pandashan 2,1k 2c2 pandawow Oficial +2k 2vs2 3vs3 y 5vs5 (WOTLK)
  12. Player: Kaelyss (druid, aliance) file:///F:/formateo%202/World%20of%20Warcraft/Screenshots/WoWScrnShot_051415_000736.jpg
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