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Everything posted by faina

  1. chaos has the longest fly time ever, cmon
  2. chaos has the longest fly time ever, cmon
  3. не заходя на арену? на лайве хотя б заходили ради приличия
  4. okay okay okay i agree its a bug, its just not near 10\10
  5. 1. Изменение рейтинга 2. При заходе на пустую арену не плюсуют рейтуху. 3. Рейтуха должна начисляться. 4. везде 5. всегда 6. 8\10 Смотрите как раньше было. Чуваки могли доджить сколько угодно просто не заходя на арену, им не снимало рейтинг. Теперь наконец спустя миллион лет сделали так, чтобы доджить было нельзя. Но при этом ребята которых доджат ничего не лутают. Это выливается в то, что ммр в ладдере утекает в никуда, так и не передавшись команде противника. И это вообще бесит когда ты заходишь по 5 раз на пустую арену и всегда получаешь 0, хотя на лайве это был праздник. Уточню: плюсовать команде на пустой арене должно так-же, как если бы они победили команду доджеров. Команде доджеров должно минусовать так же, как будто они проиграли команде на пустой арене. Если обе команды не зайдут - обеим тимам минуснёт. Очень важно ещё, не знаю так же у нас сделано или нет: если зайдет 1 человек из команды на арену, и проиграет бой против другой команды - то у него и у незашедших тиммейтов должно одинаково минуснуть. Если зашёл 1 чувак на арену (либо второго дисконнектнуло, он перезапустил вов и оказался в открытом мире) и выиграл бой, то давать + к рейту должно давать только тому кто совершил победу на арене.
  6. номер 7 и 8 верные, все остальные не должны фикситься специально, а по близзлайку. Найди формулу, сделай репорт и готово. Тем не менее тут давно уже поговаривают о том, что дело в неверном пвп павере\ресайленсе
  7. priest holy nova? 0.001 second thinking hex works, it just breaks from dmg way easier, i can advice you not to dot the target you want to hex any why for the love of god you said it makes Enchance comps unplayable?? Every beast cleave got minor lavalash glyph to avoid spreading fireshock
  8. uhh, no it should reapply the new one only if new one is gonna have a greater absorb value than the previous, long story
  9. shadow meld should work as intended, instead, in here you cant meld anything >:[ this bugs shouldnt be even listed (btw deterrence bug is the most cruel, i can understand others), b/c if, by any chance, dev's will glance on it, we will get 5 bugs more
  10. shadow meld should work as intended, instead, in here you cant meld anything >:[ this bugs shouldnt be even listed (btw deterrence bug is the most cruel, i can understand others), b/c if, by any chance, dev's will glance on it, we will get 5 bugs more
  11. i remember i posted a longread about this to dev's someday about how it actully should work but can't find it
  12. lol if we are going to list retail bugs here then i can list a ton how to bug lock's portals etc etc you know how dev's work here, fixing 1 thing breaking 2 another, and its retarded to report minor rare retail bug just to gain small chance to get advantage it just disrespectful to other players
  13. lol if we are going to list retail bugs here then i can list a ton how to bug lock's portals etc etc you know how dev's work here, fixing 1 thing breaking 2 another, and its retarded to report minor rare retail bug just to gain small chance to get advantage it just disrespectful to other players
  14. all this 10\10 reports on hex breaking from dmg, meanwhile some abilities dont work at all http://gif-finder.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Michael-Jordan-laughing.gif
  15. faina


    Ты намекаешь что с какой-то материнкой нельзя играть в вов?
  16. not rly, there was also a lot of warshams, mage druids, and cheating MW's with dk, also voltarius god who could kill anyone anywhere, a bit of hunters+boomydps
  17. faina


    lightwell is worse than on live cuz it heals only from 20m, not focken 40m if you wanna report the spell at least do the whole thing
  18. 1. huge fucking ping and delay, it fcks swd a lot (example - evading soul of forect clone in real time = impossible) 2. some other classes are overpowered 3. couple of important bugs this is about 3s
  19. spending 1 more minute just to make it look like a real battle? not a big deal. it would be 100% more efficent just to talk to ~5 top players to know who is wintrader and who is not
  20. lol automatic verifitation never worked for blizzard, people can wintrade even when people spectating just by playing bad and letting other team to win, this is retarded
  21. faina


    yea i remember him when people talked about his traps in s13 and there were rumours about him scripting even before this cheat fest started in later seasons he was sittion on low ratings idk why 1 - there r no buttons on pet panel to cancel mc 2 - we cant conntrol player if we mc'd him in cc 3 - sometimes u cant cancel mc at all even at auras 4 - stopcasting soesnt work 5 - sometimes no one can stop my mc by cicking me\ccing 6 - cant cast mc while fiend is active and the bug which is huge advantage to MP vs HP is about mechanics of auras which are changing to opposite in mc
  22. faina


    my day was great, went to oceanarium. actually surv dmg is lower than it should be, because u lose ticks of explosive shot if you spam it. i played with hunter and i know that it was possible to get 100% 70k tick with banner, not sure about maximum amount, dont know on what mmr you played to see only 40k ticks lel also there is 1 HUUGE bug with mc that works like insane advantage to MP vs HP i didnt even list it in here http://forum.wowcircle.com/showthread.php?t=520425 b/c im sure it will never be fixed
  23. faina


    always admired when 2.2 players with a mage in team whined on hunters
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