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Everything posted by faina

  1. faina


    i dont understand bapps 1 - he wants to play 3s and farm everyone without loss, so he plays top tier comps with best players 2 - he complains that he gets bored during games and he gets no fun maybe its the problem with you, not the others? what did you expect?
  2. faina


    there may be a pont but lsd1/2 was the 1 most op comp 2 most disgusting comp 3 lightwell is the reason lsd is weak ????srsly?? 4 that may be the problem for lsd but lets not forget that there r a lot of bugs that screws up a lot of comps and classes "why no one plays it" is not argument at all, if there are only 50 ppl queing ps thunder with rdruid require 0 skill
  3. well before the fix sac wouldnt protect you from crits vs lots of classes, now its only 2 spells problem also before there was a chance that pet wont listen to you and trinket-give sac, dont know about now so right now sac works a lot better than it was before, just has a problem with 2 only spells
  4. faina


    he just judges from RM perspective tsg is much easier for it than wls, just like you saying that lsd1/2 are weak, which is, uhm, retarded
  5. посмотри любые записи у меня на стриме twitch.tv/fineahh
  6. faina


    akyama is one of the players that thinks about himself too much and kills participation for fun even with exploits, on a focken private server
  7. the top rated players, they r the ones who force lower players to play only in tier comps, because they dont play any fun games at all=highly competitive. Like, people really thought that i played with 2 hunters for rating b/c that's an easy comp, even tho i got ~2.1, that was just b/c i had no one to play with, just as my partners
  8. Верная? Ну тогда давай, расскажи что у вас там в ней отвечает за $pctH В ближайшие пару дней скину
  9. 1.http://db.pandawow.me?spell=33076 2.Занижен отхил процентов на 25-30 3. Хил должен быть выше ясен пень 4. хз, меня давно тут не было 5. везде 6. 9\10 Добавлю, что с символом, что без него, отхил занижен, видимо какие-то чебурашки не смогли понять формулу спелла и сделали чисто часть формулы только с спд. Как я понял что отхил занижен? Поиграл, смотрю - цифр таких никогда не было, думаю - это я что-ли так хорошо хилил в с15? Оказалось нет, на моих старых записях отхил всегда на 25-30% выше (гир у меня все годы один и тот же).
  10. faina


    if anyone is intrested - make a report about priest pom, it heals way lower than it should and it isnt affected by blue chakra
  11. Лучше бы сделали репорт на то, что человек подпрыгивает когда его притягивают.
  12. well, fun fact. According to any source you need 7082 haste points to get new tick of glyphed renew, but in reality, you need only 7081, yeah, that's how good i know hpriest
  13. if you have questions about priest its better to ask me
  14. it should be affected, sorry just as desperate prayer
  15. yes, i even mentioned that it should have internal cooldown ~3 sec
  16. 1. http://db.pandawow.me?item=42404#comments 2. При наличии символа шансы что мд снимет бабл или блок равны 50\50. Пишет просто иммунитет как будто символа нету. 3. Символ не должен забывать что он должен снимать со 100% вероятностью блоки баблы и бабл лока. 4. в июне точно был, началось не знаю когда, с января? 5. на кроссе 6. 8\10 как бы фишка приста
  17. faina


    what? 1 month passed and we're making thread about this? upd watched 1 fight, that's just 2k, nothing top talk about
  18. 1 - not so popular at all, for example best war\mw was easycharge-linue, but they still were pretty low even tho they played at a very high level (ofc there are 0 war\mw's like that on pwow) 2 - this mw teams were mostly so good b/c 95% of monks used orbbot = their rating and stat is totally irrevelant
  19. 1. http://db.pandawow.me?spell=8056#comments 2. Время действия завмедления подвергается диминишингу 3. Никакого диминишинга на замедление нет и быть не должно 4. везде 5. 18.07.16 6. 7\10 вензи хватит расписывать баги чисто под пхш
  20. 3v3 lsd godcomp rmd - this is both popularity&OPness combined 2v2 war sham\mage dru\ hunt-monk heal
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