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Everything posted by JohnnyPipes

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsZhT42eb3g enjoy
  2. whoever is going around telling people that hes "zhalifa" or "vicesz" its not me i uninstalled pwow 2 months ago and sold my warriors and whoever is doing it i hope you get fucking shot you hybrid of autism, a manbearpig and stage 5 diabetes or hit by an ice cream truck you filthy fucking smelly pirate hooker. ps youre a fuckng inbred and your mother sells pringles, oranges and hair cut round the corner for a living you rancid swine btw one of them is Marcel the fakelow#4810 on discord aka Mýstíclol ingame so ya.
  3. originally was going to do it a 3s only montage but i found myself not having enough footage or a lot of it being old with pretty bad quality, so i left it out completely and planned on putting all of it in the next project which is gonna be heavily filled with 3s, if not 3s only, not easy to get footage on a server where 3s ques are dead or you only que up to find yourself matching up against wintraders or no one at all.
  4. most of these teams besides 2 of them (boomie frostmage and rdruid ele) are either high rated or high exp if you'd open your fucking chink eyes and look closely, you probably wouldnt know since everything you que into as hpriest mage feels like a 1,6 team because of how shit your comp makes any other team look. and either way, how does me prekicking or bladestorming an ns clone (which was mostly against really high rated players) make it any worse if theyre 2k or 3k lol, they might be more predictable yes but how the fuck does that apply to prebladestorming ns clones or prekicks. you can talk shit all you want but clearly this video is probably the most unique one out of all the warrior pvp movies, doesnt matter if that sounds arrogant, just the truth. go show me another video where a warrior constantly pre bladestorms ns clones, db's or reflect ns clones (only counts if he's not russian). the thing about all the other warrior videos out there is that you can watch a klinda video, and at the same time youre watching any other warrior video, like pilav, swifty or bajheera. they all do the same shit, bladestorm into 5 undergeared retards. if you want to watch a pilav video might as well watch a bajheera video. if you want to watch a zhalifa video, youll have to watch a zhalifa video. thing about my video is that whatever is in there you wont find anyone else doing, the things they have in their videos i can very well see myself doing but why would i, its been done a million times before and im way above that, as cocky as that sounds i left out everything all the other warriors have in their videos on purpose, such as bgs, safeguarding and prebladestorming. first reason being that it's been done before. a million times. 2nd reason being is that i have way too much footage of that. clearly my editing isnt good or awful because i didnt even know how to cut clips together 2 days ago and i spent 2 days figuring out how to work sony vegas and ended up dropping a project, it wasnt too shabby, imagine what i couldve done in 30 days instead of 2. this video was not a movie, not a montage, just a showcase if not a teaser. it was a random project i put out there to showcase why people consider me way above any other on pandawow. many people do, many people dont, but you cant deny skill.
  5. throwback to when i used to gatekeep you from even getting glad while having nr 1 3 and 6 on the ladder and liquid having 2 4 and akuyama 5 and you didnt even get to top 30. good job getting your r1 in a dead season while wintrading btw. weird that you stopped queing after i come back from a 2 year break :thinking: o nvm you did https://www.twitch.tv/videos/147917667
  6. not a russian unfortunately, if i was i'd have way too much footage not just a 6 minute movie LUL cheers though, appreciate it.
  7. so when does the new season start PS: Chainzrow hairline looks circumsised
  8. You don't need to hit a wound point for me to roast you, you do realise that, right?
  9. And yeah, I've always said that warriors on PandaWoW are retarded, I never defended them, I had an issue with them being better than they should just as I have an issue with them being worse than they should. - - - Updated - - - Noneed you do realise that I don't have a warrior on here, I share 2 with 2 other people? You can even see me play different warriors everytime on my stream lol. And who the fuck are you to end this discussion you fucking chromosomecapped pavement ape
  10. Haven't qued 3s on here yet because I recently came back and I probably won't. There's enough solid reasons for that, we all know how 3s work on here.
  11. they definitely do deserve to get fixed, but right now they're not fixed, they're fucking broken in a bad way. The nerf was blown way out of proportion. You can't justify it by saying "they were op before that they deserve to be shit now" that's not how you get the fucking class fixed morons.
  12. You do realise that the issue is the nerf being blown way out of fucking proportion, right? - - - Updated - - - Noneed you're built like a fucking battle cricket, who the fuck are you trynna roast?
  13. not for fotm fags like you :^)
  14. I personally despise the punishment system of PandaWoW. Giving people the opportunity to pay for their unbans is literally the worst idea ever. Sure you have to make money somehow but you earn enough money despite all the raids being bugged and people having to buy all the transmog off the site to customize their characters. Everyone who gets caught cheating / abusing / hacking in arena or PvP overall should have their character deleted. Yes deleted. If you're mentally retarded enough to be an asshole and abuse AND get CAUGHT you should lose everything you have. The percentage of abusers would drop drastically, people who would get banned would either pay 770 bonuses to either buy a new character or just start a new one which would make the BG que pops faster and arena ques faster due to people having to gear up their characters again. And of course it would help you (PandaWoW) earn even more money, if you think about it, if someone gets banned for 30 days, he unbans for 450 bonuses. But if you delete his character instead, he will either pay 770 (320 bonuses profit) or he will gear a new one and maybe donate again for all the transmogs he used to have. Even if he doesn't he boosts the PandaWoW economy by queing BGs and arenas to get his gear back. I know this is a very harsh system and a lot of people might not be okay with it but still, I think it would help the major problem of this server, which is abuse. I personally quit the server and barely play anymore just because of the fact there's so many abusers running around unpunished. It ruins the whole experience. But if this system is taken into consideration I might just come back and play again, but as it is right now I really can't imagine myself playing the server seriously again. By that system I don't mean that this will be the only option to punish people, hell no, you should still keep mutes, 3 day bans, 30 day bans etc, but in addition you should implement the 'delete character' system which I presented to you which should only be used if someone is heavily abusing to their advantage. Please take this into consideration. (And yes. This post has been inspired by Sadmana's case.) - Zhalifa
  15. I personally despise the punishment system of PandaWoW. Giving people the opportunity to pay for their unbans is literally the worst idea ever. Sure you have to make money somehow but you earn enough money despite all the raids being bugged and people having to buy all the transmog off the site to customize their characters. Everyone who gets caught cheating / abusing / hacking in arena or PvP overall should have their character deleted. Yes deleted. If you're mentally retarded enough to be an asshole and abuse AND get CAUGHT you should lose everything you have. The percentage of abusers would drop drastically, people who would get banned would either pay 770 bonuses to either buy a new character or just start a new one which would make the BG que pops faster and arena ques faster due to people having to gear up their characters again. And of course it would help you (PandaWoW) earn even more money, if you think about it, if someone gets banned for 30 days, he unbans for 450 bonuses. But if you delete his character instead, he will either pay 770 (320 bonuses profit) or he will gear a new one and maybe donate again for all the transmogs he used to have. Even if he doesn't he boosts the PandaWoW economy by queing BGs and arenas to get his gear back. I know this is a very harsh system and a lot of people might not be okay with it but still, I think it would help the major problem of this server, which is abuse. I personally quit the server and barely play anymore just because of the fact there's so many abusers running around unpunished. It ruins the whole experience. But if this system is taken into consideration I might just come back and play again, but as it is right now I really can't imagine myself playing the server seriously again. By that system I don't mean that this will be the only option to punish people, hell no, you should still keep mutes, 3 day bans, 30 day bans etc, but in addition you should implement the 'delete character' system which I presented to you which should only be used if someone is heavily abusing to their advantage. Please take this into consideration. - Zhalifa
  16. 1. Pnix 2. FUN 3. He abused a minor glyph that shouldn't be working in arena to give himself 70% movement speed for 1 minute. ( http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=63416/glyph-of-rapid-teleportation ) 4. http://imgur.com/njMndfR
  17. 1. Salie 2. Fun 3. He flyhacked in an arena to get to spots you normally can't get to. 4. (not my screenshot btw) http://imgur.com/kyHZkAQ
  18. is the fun server down or is it just me?
  19. Sigh. Sounds disgusting. As always.
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