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  1. Sorry for bringing it up again but i think Beacon of Light Glyph should be priority fix, the actual advantage from it in PvP is huge.
  2. Yup, 404 not found. Sounds a bit like database wipe lol
  3. Skizzper


    I can just laugh at how tryhard you are. If youd actually know anything about lock as you try to prove you do you would know there is no formula of % on HP on breaking fear. Fear does not break on White dmg & DoT in Blizz, simple as that.
  4. Same, been down for me over an hour now. Not banned, tried on both on my accounts.
  5. Skizzper


    Funny how names like Godpriest and other funny crap are trying to prove theres % of HP on breaking fear. And then you try to mock others like you would know all. Fear shouldnt break on white dmg and DoTs, however any skill casted should break it, its bugged and needs to be looked into. However, 90% of classes are bugged and need the same.
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