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  1. Suggestion #1 - Fix Life Cacoon Then bann people.
  2. After almost 1 month we got changelog FINALLY! But after almost 1 month we got minor bugs fixed.. Where the f**k are ABSORB BUG changelogs? RoF/Deep? Life Cacoon? This server is a joke.. Off topic: No one wants new season with all these major bugs who are as Juster have said only CRITICAL to US , not to server.. (*facepalm*)
  3. Yes i know that 2s weren't balanced on retail and don't want to say anything about here.. but what can MW play here exept 2s, you need Life Cacoon for 3s..
  4. No wonder.. This server abandoded us , Buka said wait Juster for changelogs he isn't here.. And Im like i watch him on WoDempire all day banning ppl.. What the ****?
  5. I'm playin on Fun Server, my main is Mingmisty last season 2k9 and now im on Mingxo :-)
  6. I will just pretand that 3k exp MW just said that 20k ( no crit) 40k (crit) is nothing , My 2s stats are : 30% crit 11k spirit (12k combat regen unbuffed) 14.5% haste (Both ticks on RM and EM) and 35k spell power , this is what all MWs should get for 2s where you can afford non crits and get more dmg/healing. About 3s stats: 39% crit , 8k5 spirit ( also having Tailoring for that 3k spirit ) , 12.5% haste (7th tick for EM!) and about 2k less spell power , but in 3s crit is everything..
  7. If you had better dk , you would won for sure , and this is PandaWoW so LSD rulez,jk.
  8. By this picture he insulted himself, he's also english speaker if you have pictured full chat maybe we would see conversation btw them.. - - - Updated - - - ~Off-topic It's: Better THAN you. :-)
  9. Renewing Mist is just trash buff to cover your EM and generate chi, I was talking about http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=124682/enveloping-mist when you get 12.5% haste raiting you're getting 7th tick on Enveloping Mist ;-) - - - Updated - - - Btw are you going for 2s Intellect gems or Crit gems? For 3s I hope you're focusing on full gem Crit
  10. Hello?...
  11. How you have lost as TSG to LSD? :-(
  12. I'm just waiting for absorb changelogs.. ( Disc's Shield(full mastery pros), Mw's Life Cacoon, Shields in general not getting affected by dempending)
  13. Demo lock are so good in 3v3 their burst is just scary,but here lel..
  14. All was good, but Noneed his stream lagging all time :(
  15. This seems good i could understand even if it's on russian hehe , but did you mention 12.5% haste raiting for 7th tick of EM?
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