I still see hunters at high rating, both mm and sv, so I can't confirm your doubts. There was no buffs for mage/warlock/war. If hunter damage is balanced for once, it doesn't mean other classes are suddenly buffed because they can do more damage than you in 1 game.
Altough I'm pretty sure you're trolling, this is just for other butthurt explosive shot spammers out there, so suck it. It ain't changing for a while, unless they break it again.
I dont play affli or destro and I can still make a guide for those specs. Either way, just sayin' it'd be a good idea if you actually tried to play the spec, cuz it seems alot more fun to me than dance every min and spam cheap shot and ambush. I dont know how to play it 'tho, so FeelsBadMan :p
Y, I noticed the same issue. Then I realized why my damage sucked in meta form, no trinket, jk, no damage. I use it, but dont even realize my trinket didn't go off, and this is so random, its really distracting. Hope it gets fixed.