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Everything posted by Garodar

  1. Can we atleast know if it'll be done this year, or sometime early next year? Cba waiting 3 months for new season.
  2. Is new season coming along with website? If so, did u say new website is coming maybe on monday? I forgot...
  3. Are you still actively marking fixed bugs in the thread?
  4. "Bacon of Light" "BACON" I like Bacon. :crab:
  5. I still see hunters at high rating, both mm and sv, so I can't confirm your doubts. There was no buffs for mage/warlock/war. If hunter damage is balanced for once, it doesn't mean other classes are suddenly buffed because they can do more damage than you in 1 game. Altough I'm pretty sure you're trolling, this is just for other butthurt explosive shot spammers out there, so suck it. It ain't changing for a while, unless they break it again.
  6. You actually ever faced someone from x1? Dayum m8, ur lucky. :p Sry for offtop. :(
  7. I dont play affli or destro and I can still make a guide for those specs. Either way, just sayin' it'd be a good idea if you actually tried to play the spec, cuz it seems alot more fun to me than dance every min and spam cheap shot and ambush. I dont know how to play it 'tho, so FeelsBadMan :p
  8. We need a dev for useless bugs that annoy people. :p
  9. I thought u control what he fixes and what not. :p Kappa
  10. Probably monday/tuesday as usual.
  11. Y, I noticed the same issue. Then I realized why my damage sucked in meta form, no trinket, jk, no damage. I use it, but dont even realize my trinket didn't go off, and this is so random, its really distracting. Hope it gets fixed.
  12. You can also gate while cc'd, lol. Happened to me once, not sure if luck or actual bug. :p
  13. Because it does. Its aoe and applied on everyone when used, so its logical to have a high cost, unless you're playing with Dark Apotheosis.
  14. Was already reported, no point in making threads about it.
  15. LF someone who actually cared and read all that bullshit, lol. :p
  16. Weren't they clear enough when they said its only applied to cross realm?
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