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Everything posted by Garodar

  1. I just play with mainstream mog, so rip. :( :P
  2. Garodar

    Wild Imps

    Lol, what do u want from me? I said it doesn't work. Its a 50/50 chance that your imps will randomly swap a target, I can't change it with /petattack, no effect.
  3. Garodar

    Wild Imps

    /petattack Profit! http://res.cloudinary.com/urbandictionary/image/upload/a_exif,c_fit,h_200,w_200/v1395991705/gjn81wvxqsq6yzcwubok.png
  4. Garodar

    Wild Imps

    You know? Imps are not under my control. When they're summoned, they do whatever the fuck they wanna do. I dont have an pet action bar to control their actions and neither to /petattack macros work, cuz if they did, i would never break any of my cc.
  5. Garodar

    Wild Imps

    Name of the spell/NPC: Wild Imps. Link: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=159607/wild-imps Issue: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=159607/wild-imps sometimes attack the wrong target, instead of attacking the target they were summoned to attack. How it should be: If http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=159607/wild-imps are summoned by http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=603 or http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=159607/wild-imps buff, they should attack the target they were triggered to attack. Priority: 5/10 Doesn't happen often, but is annoying when your imps break cc in 3v3 arenas.
  6. Nice report. Did you come up with it yourself, or you had someone with autism help you? How about you follow a report format when reporting a bug, or if you think something is bugged?
  7. Anyone with any clue on when is update? :)
  8. I got 2.7, now u can remove it. http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/bybee/imgs/9/9/991ee83e.png
  9. Not rly. Only sometimes when I need 4k honor.
  10. They're not working on it at all, Zeox and other admins are just busy. Dont be naive enough to believe they're making any progress if they say too. :p
  11. Garodar


    Only if he's a 10 year old, which he is not. He's either very busy irl and always lies that they're making progress (which they're not, its crystal clear), or he's just lazy (doubt he is, but its a funny alternative). I prefer honesty over lies. If he's too busy irl, he should just say he cant do it right now, not say they're "still working on it" when its clear they're not. No one is that stupid to believe they're "making progress". Just sayin'.
  12. 1 cool feature they could add when gates open is CD reset in case you accidentally press the wrong button before game starts. Should make a separate thread about it. :p
  13. There's no rule for necroposting on pandawow as far as my knowledge serves me (or maybe there is, either way no one ever got punished for it) and everyone is free to ask for a tip on a class guide, regardless of how old it is.
  14. lol, that was #shots af. :D
  15. So, the first thing u do is advertise the bug, instead of just leaving it in report section? :confused:
  16. I didn't reffer this or heisenberg or deadmouse. You know who I meant.
  17. Ye, well, their "maybe" or "no" is why I hate pandawow staff.
  18. PWoW community waiting for update: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcrzooFGDf1rg10tbo1_500.gif
  19. Update anytime today, or we have to wait for another eternity for it?
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