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Everything posted by Garodar

  1. So, when they write "topical", it means they're either checking it or report is lacking needed evidence? I dont get it.
  2. Я не понимаю, предыдущий комментарий, потому что я не русский. Я только пришел, чтобы напомнить, что УБС это важная ошибка. Извините за страшен русский.
  3. Forum is useless without pointless drama in every thread. You should know that by know. Atleast, this forum is.
  4. Ur profile pic says "I dont really give a fuck". Live up to it then... in this case. xD
  5. Garodar

    Arena bug

    No, m8. Riperino.
  6. I'm surprised u didn't quote juster on zeox in this topic.
  7. Its "WORLD PVP" only. Who... gives... a... fuck...
  8. Garodar

    Demonic Leap

    Fckin' fix it pls.
  9. What does that even mean? "topical" ??? :nea:
  10. A: Changing mindset of devs about not keeping this server as blizzlike as possible is not... Possible. B: It was that way on retail. The real issue is rogue damage, not pve trinks. Accept it, or dont do world pve at all.
  11. Why do u quote these admins all the time... and where do u even find them?
  12. Garodar

    Spellsteal NS

    Log in and see it for yourself. That's how devs do it. They're not handicapped.
  13. I encounter most "The Idiot" and that's me. :p
  14. Garodar

    Demonic Calling

    Name of the spell: Wild Imps / Demonic Calling Link: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=114592/wild-imps Issue with the spell: Doesn't always proc the imps after you use Soul Fire/Shadow Bolt/Touch of Chaos even if you have the buff on you. How it should be: Should always proc if you have the buff up on you. Date when tested: 21.5.2016. Priority: 4/10 Not a big deal, but we lose some extra damage & extra fury without this extra imp.
  15. People play demo/destro?
  16. Garodar


    I thought it ignores armor or something. Someone told me so.
  17. Garodar


    Name of the spell: Ravage Link: http://wow.gamepedia.com/Ravage Issue with the spell: Has incorrect formula. How it should be: Should be corrected. P.S: All of the tests were done without any gems, enchants, or procs. The item level was 496 & same applies for the death knight. Date when tested: 20.5.2016 Priority: 9/10 for ferals, alright. This amount of damage needs to be fixed. Btw, dont hesitate to correct me if I made a mistake somewhere.
  18. Name of the spell/s: Aura of the Elements, Aura of Enfeeblement Links:: http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Aura_of_the_Elements http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Aura_of_Enfeeblement Issue with the spell: After u apply the ability on 1 target, the second unit that comes in your 20 yard range will not have the debuff applied. How it should be: If an enemy/unit comes in your 20 yard range when you have the buff on yourself, it should apply to them. Date when tested: 19.5.2016. Priority: 3/10 kek bug.
  19. Garodar

    Wild Imps

    #fixed u can close the topic.
  20. Garodar


    They'll be viable when they nerf warrior's damage... which is never.
  21. Garodar

    Shroud bug

    Poor gnomes. Who plays gnome rogues 'tho, lol?
  22. Wait, did they actually find flaw in warrior damage? And, if so, are there any changes yet?
  23. kill command was actually never bugged. both me and neff calculated it and it seems legit to me.
  24. I think its nerfed. Fought one on my rdruid. Didn't even lift my finger. But, idk, u guys judge it.
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